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 451-465 από 1548 Αποτελέσματα
451 T. Chiras, P. Koutsakis, M. Paterakis, “A new MAC protocol for broadband powerline communications networks”, in 2006 49th IEEE Global Telec. Conf. (GLOBECOM) ,pp.1-6.doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2006.1442015-11-10
452 A. Dollas, W. T. Rankin and D. McCracken, "A new algorithm for Golomb ruler derivation and proof of the 19 mark ruler," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 379-382, Jan. 1998. doi:10.1109/18.6510682015-11-02
453 H. Hamdan, N. Economou, A. Vafidis, M. Bano, and J. Ortega-Ramirez, “A new approach for adaptive GPR diffraction focusing,” Remote Sens., vol. 14, no. 11, May 2022, doi: 10.3390/rs14112547.2023-09-20
454 C. Spanakis, E. Mathioudakis, N. Kampanis, M. Tsiknakis and K. Marias, "A new approach in image registration," in IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2016, pp. 449-453. doi: 10.1109/IST.2016.77382682018-06-28
455 G. A. Skarmoutsos, K. N. Gyftakis and M. A. Mueller, "A new approach to PM machine fault diagnostics using two magnetically-coupled search-coils," in Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2022), Valencia, Spain, 2022, pp. 1616-1621, doi: 10.1109/ICEM51905.2022.9910704.2024-09-26
456 J. Chatzakis , K. Kalaitzakis , N. C. Voulgaris , and S. Manias , "A New Approach to Battery Management Systems", in Proc. 10th European Conf., on Power Electronics and Applications,( EPE '03), Sep, 2003.2015-11-09
457 E. Stamboliadis, S. Emmanouilidis and E. Petrakis, "A New Approach to the Calculation of Work Index and the Potential Energy of a Particulate Material", Geomaterials, vol. 1, pp. 28-32, July 2011. doi: 10.4236/gm.2011.120052015-11-17
458 P. Koutsakis, M. Vafiadis and A. Lazaris, “A new bandwidth allocation mechanism for next generation wireless cellular networks”, ACM Wireless Networks Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 331-353, Feb. 2010. doi: 10.1007/s11276-008-0132-3 2015-10-26
459 Y. Marinakis, A. Migdalas ,P.M. Pardalos, "A New bilevel formulation for the vehicle routing problem and a solution method using a genetic algorithm," J. of Global Optim., vol. 38, no.4 ,pp. 555-580,Aug. 2007.doi:10.1007/s10898-006-9094-02015-11-05
460 P. Koutsakis, “A new call admission and medium access control framework for multimedia traffic over GEO satellite networks”, in 2008 11th Intern. Conf. on Comm. Systems (ICCS),pp.890 - 895.doi: 10.1109/ICCS.2008.47373142015-11-10
461 S. Chatziperis, P. Koutsakis and M. Paterakis, “A new call admission control mechanism for multimedia traffic over next generation wireless cellular networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 95-112, Jan. 2008. doi: 10.1109/TMC.2007.707062015-10-26
462 Στυλιανός Χατζηπέρης, "A new call admission control mechanism for multimedia traffic over wireless networks", Διπλωματική Εργασία, Τμήμα Ηλεκτρονικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Υπολογιστών, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 2005.2014-03-24
463 J. Chatzakis, K. Kalaitzakis , N. Voulgaris , and S. Manias , "A New Charge-Discharge Equalization Technique for Series Connected Battery Cells", in Proc. Of European Power Electronics and Drives Association, (EPE'01) Aug, pp. P.1-P.10.2015-11-09
464 G.E Stavroulakis, P.D Panagiotopoulos, "A new class of multilevel decomposition algorithms for non monotone problems based on the quasidifferentiability concept," Comp.Methods in Applied Mech. and Engin. vol. 117, no. 3–4,, pp. 289–307. Aug.1994.doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(94)90119-82015-10-11
465 F.D. Kanellos, N.D.Hatziargyriou, "A new control scheme for variable speed wind turbines using neural networks," in 2002 Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2002. IEEE, pp. 360 - 365, doi: 10.1109/PESW.2002.9850202015-11-18
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