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Assessment of the seismic faults impact on onshore natural gas - hydrogen pipelines

Popota Alexandra

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Extent91 σελίδεςel
TitleΜελέτη της επίδρασης σεισμικών ρηγμάτων σε χερσαίους αγωγούς φυσικού αερίου - υδρογόνουel
TitleAssessment of the seismic faults impact on onshore natural gas - hydrogen pipelines en
CreatorPopota Alexandraen
CreatorΠωποτα Αλεξανδραel
Contributor [Thesis Supervisor]Tsompanakis Ioannisen
Contributor [Thesis Supervisor]Τσομπανακης Ιωαννηςel
Contributor [Committee Member]Providakis Konstantinosen
Contributor [Committee Member]Προβιδακης Κωνσταντινοςel
Contributor [Committee Member]Πρόδρομος Ψαρρόπουλοςel
Contributor [Committee Member]Prodromos Psarρopoulosen
PublisherΠολυτεχνείο Κρήτηςel
PublisherTechnical University of Creteen
Academic UnitΠολυτεχνείο Κρήτης::Σχολή Χημικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντοςel
Content SummaryΣκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η διερεύνηση της δυνατότητας μετατροπής των αγωγών μεταφοράς φυσικού αερίου σε σύστημα μεταφοράς μίγματος φυσικού αερίου - υδρογόνου ή και αποκλειστικά υδρογόνου, ενώ η έμφαση θα δοθεί στη διερεύνηση της απόκρισης τέτοιων αγωγών σε συνθήκες διάρρηξης ενεργού σεισμικού ρήγματος μέχρι την επιφάνεια του εδάφους με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού ABAQUS el
Content SummaryThe transition to «green» energy resources constitutes a major issue to a more sustainable and environment-friendly future. With the widespread use of renewable energy sources, the development of energy-efficient technologies, and the implementation of «green» policies, humanity is moving towards a framework where energy production and consumption will comply with planet's resources. This transition does not only refer to the replacement of energy resources, but also the construction of an efficient energy infrastructure which will support a more «green» economy. In this manner, on the one hand, the natural and human-made environment is protected, while on the other hand, innovation and sustainability are encouraged. In this context, hydrogen is considered the purest fuel of the future and its use is the most suitable choice for a successful energy transition. New technologies, assist in achieving energy independence and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, while they also play a crucial part in promoting hydrogen as main fuel in transportations. The transfer of natural gas and hydrogen mixture, or even solely hydrogen, through pipelines constitutes an important step towards «green» energy. Generally, the adoption of hydrogen in the economy, represents a significant challenge, since there are many technical issues and hazards that must be resolved. An important issue is the safe transfer from the production and storage sites to urban areas. The development of the appropriate transportation system is a key parameter, and has already started and is expected to be further developed in the near future, by utilizing the existing networks of natural gas pipelines. Such large-scale pipelines cover long distances and very often face seismic and other geohazards. Active seismic faults constitute a major threat in the transfer of hydrocarbons, and hydrogen in the shortcoming. Many incidents of severe pipeline damages occurred due to the rupture of seismic faults. Consequently, it is of paramount importance to understand the characteristics of the kinematic stress of pipelines due to seismic faulting to minimize their seismic vulnerability. The aim of the present study is to investigate the conversion of natural gas transmission pipelines to transfer a mixture of natural gas and hydrogen, or even exclusively hydrogen. Emphasis is given on examining the response of such pipelines under active seismic fault rupture.en
Type of ItemΔιπλωματική Εργασίαel
Type of ItemDiploma Worken
Date of Item2025-02-10-
Date of Publication2025-
SubjectΣεισμικά ρήγματαel
SubjectΑγωγοί φυσικού αερίουel
SubjectΑγωγοί υδρογόνουel
SubjectΣεισμικοί γεωκίνδυνοιel
Bibliographic CitationΑλεξάνδρα Πώποτα, "Μελέτη της επίδρασης σεισμικών ρηγμάτων σε χερσαίους αγωγούς φυσικού αερίου - υδρογόνου", Διπλωματική Εργασία, Σχολή Χημικών Μηχανικών και Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντος, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάδα, 2025el
Bibliographic CitationAlexandra Popota, "Assessment of the seismic faults impact on onshore natural gas - hydrogen pipelines", Diploma Work, Diploma Thesis, School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2025en

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