Tilemachos Konstantinidis, "Simulation of an aggregate production plant", Diploma Work, School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2025
This thesis presents the design – simulation of a plant for the production ofaggregates. More specifically, through the USIM PAC 3.1 simulation program, a plant flow chart was designed by introducing the machines (units), the flow streams between the units, as well as the necessary parameters of machines and material needed to complete the crushing - screening plant.This entire process allows to simulate and control the flow of materials through the various production stages, such as mining, crushing, screening, and transportation of aggregates. Using the simulator helps to analyze production fluctuations, allowing the identification of areas that can be improved (e.g. optimizing the equipment efficiency, reducing operating time or delays. Using USIM PAC 3.1 in an aggregate plant offers an integrated approach to the analysis, improvement and management of production processes, contributing to efficiency, cost reduction and improved production quality.The mined material is processed in the crushing and screening plant, which isinstalled and operated in the quarry area to produce marketable products of appropriate grain size.. The plant consists of primary and secondary crushing machines, sieves and conveyor belts. The estimated power requirements of the plant are 1500 HP with a production capacity of approximately 2000 m3of aggregate products per day, operating in an eight-hour shift.Finally, a financial analysis of aggregate production is presented. All economicparameters for the installation, operation of production units, feasibility study andinvestment capital are studied. In this way, not only the theoretical understanding of industrial processes is achieved but also the practical application in real conditions.In conclusion, the choice of the specific topic and tool aims to enhance theknowledge in the field of aggregates and to contribute to the improvement of theproduction process through technology.