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| 11716-11730 από 18829 αποτελέσματα | |
11716 | K. Rapantzikos, M. Zervakis," Nonlinear enhancement and segmentation algorithm for the detection of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in human eye's retina ,"in 2001 Intern. Conf. on Image,pp.1055 - 1058.doi:10.1109/ICIP.2001.958308 | 2015-10-23 |
11717 | M. Zervakis ,M. E. Blazadonakis, G. Tsiliki, V. Danilatou, M.Tsiknakis , D. Kafetzopoulos,"Outcome prediction based on microarray analysis: a critical perspective on methods,"BMC Bioinf. ,vol.10,no.1 ,pp.53-53 , 2009.doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-53 | 2015-10-23 |
11718 | V. Sakkalis, C.D. Giurcaneanu, P. Xanthopoulos, M.E. Zervakis, V. Tsiaras," Assessment of linear and nonlinear synchronization measures for analyzing EEG in a mild epileptic paradigm ," Inf. Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Trans. ,vol. 13 ,no.4,pp. 433-441,2008.doi:10.1109/TITB.2008.923141 | 2015-10-23 |
11719 | P. Mertikas, M.E. Zervakis," Exemplifying the theory of evidence in remote sensing image classification ," Intern. J. of Remote Sensing,vol.22,no. 6,pp. 1081-1095,2001.doi:10.1080/01431160118597 | 2015-10-23 |
11720 | V. Sakkalis, T. Oikonomou, E. Pachou, I. Tollis, S. Micheloyannis, M. Zervakis ," Time-significant wavelet coherence for the evaluation of schizophrenic brain activity using a graph theory approach,"in 2006 28th Annual Intern. Conf. of the IEEEE eng. in Medicine and Biol. Society,pp.4265 - 4268.doi:10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260680 | 2015-10-23 |
11721 | Z. Theodosiou, I.N. Kasampalidis, G. Livanos, M. Zervakis, I. Pitas, K. Lyroudia," Automated analysis of FISH and immunohistochemistry images: a review ,"Cytometry Part A,vol. 71,no.7 , pp. 439-450.2007.doi:10.1002/cyto.a.20409 | 2015-10-23 |
11722 | V. Dimitriou, N. Vidakis and A. Antoniadis, "Advanced computer aided design simulation of gear hobbing by means of three-dimensional kinematics modeling", J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., vol. 129, no. 5, pp. 911-918, Nov. 2006. doi:10.1115/1.2738947 | 2015-10-23 |
11723 | K. Rapantzikos, M. Zervakis and K. Balas, "Detection and segmentation of drusen deposits on human retina: potential in the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration," Med. Image Anal., vol.7, no.1, pp. 95-108, Mar. 2003. doi: 10.1016/S1361-8415(02)00093-2 | 2015-10-23 |
11724 | Nikos Pasadakis, Andreas Kardamakis, Popi Sfakianaki, “Classification ofGasoline Grades Using Compositional Data and Expectation-MaximizationAlgorithm”, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 3406-3409, Aug. 2007. DOI: 10.1021/ef070165u | 2015-10-23 |
11725 | E. Maravelakis, K. David, A. Antoniadis, A. Manios, N. Bilalis and Y. Papaharilaou, "Reverse engineering techniques for cranioplasty: a case study" J. Medical Eng. and Technology, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 115-121, 2008. doi:10.1080/03091900600700749 | 2015-10-23 |
11726 | R. Grech, T. Cassar, J. Muscat, K. P. Camilleri, S. G. Fabri, M. Zervakis, P. Xanthopoulos, V. Sakkalis, B. Vanrumste ,"Review on solving the inverse problem in EEG source analysis,"J. of neuroeng. and rehabilitation .vol.5,no.1 ,pp.25-25,2008.doi:10.1186/1743-0003-5-25 | 2015-10-23 |
11727 | E.N. Malamas, E.G.M. Petrakis, M. Zervakis, L. Petit, J.D. Legat,"A survey on industrial vision systems, applications and tools," Image and vision comp.,vol. 21 ,no.2 ,pp. 171-188.doi:10.1016/S0262-8856(02)00152-X | 2015-10-23 |
11728 | N. Bilalis, L. V. Wassenhove, E. Maravelakis, A. Enders, V. Moustakis and A. Antoniadis, "An analysis of European textile sector competitiveness", Measuring Bus. Excellence J. , vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 27-35, 2006. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13683040610652195 | 2015-10-23 |
11729 | K. Maniadaki, T. Kestis, N. Bilalis and A. Antoniadis, "A finite element-based model for pure waterjet process simulation", Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 933-940, Jan. 2007. doi:10.1007/s00170-005-0274-8 | 2015-10-23 |
11730 | A. Balouktsis, T. D. Karapantsios, A. Antoniadis, D. Paschaloudis, A. Bezergiannidou and N. Bilalis, "Sizing stand-alone photovoltaic systems", Int. J. Photoenergy, pp. 1-8, 2006. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/IJP/2006/73650 | 2015-10-23 |
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