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Technical University of Crete

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 8911-8925 out of 18834 results
8911 Ν. Papamanolis, S. Tzoumaki, "Study of the Influence of a Series of Rain Episodes on the Air Pollution in the Area of Volos," presented at International Conference on the Protection and Restoration of the Environment V, Thassos, Greece, 2000.2015-11-13
8912 K. Eleftheriadis, S. Vratolis, A. Karanasiou, S. Andronopoulos, T. Maggos, C. Vasilakos, P. Neofytou, C. Housiadas, A. Papayannis, G. Tsaknakis, G. Georgoussis, G. Avdikos, Y. Roukoutakis, G. Vernardos, M. Sofianopoulos, V Alexandropoulou, M. Lazaridis, E. Kostenidou, S. Pandis," Development of an operational mapping system for the fine aerosol mass concentration and the estimated population exposure in Attica, Greece," in European Aerosol Conference,2008.2015-11-13
8913 Ν. Παπαμανώλης, "Εκτιμήσεις για τη Συμμετοχή του Φυσικού Αερισμού στο Ενεργειακό Ισοζύγιο Κτιρίων στην Ελλάδα," στο 6ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο του Ινστιτούτου Ηλιακής Τεχνικής για τις Ήπιες Μορφές Ενέργειας, Βόλος, Ελλάδα, 1999.2015-11-13
8914 V. Kontomitrou, A. Maragkou, M. Lazaridis, M. Vrachopoulos, E. Katsivela ,"Airborne microbial concentrations and PM10 levels in air conditioned offices ," in European Aerosol Conference ,2008.2015-11-13
8915 V. Aleksandropoulou, T. Glytsos, Mihalis Lazaridis ,"Exposure to indoor and outdoorparticulate matter and source-to-inhaled dose relationships,"in European Aerosol Conference ,2008.2015-11-13
8916 T.Glytsos, M. Lazaridis ,"Development of a physical size-resolved indoor aerosolmodel,"in European Aerosol Conference ,2008.2015-11-13
8917 N. Papamanolis, "On the Time-Dependent Efficiency of Building Ventilation on the Indoor Air Quality in a Medium Sized Urban Area in Greece," presented at AIVC 19th Annual Conference, "Ventilation Technologies in Urban Areas", Oslo, Norway,1998.2015-11-13
8918 N. Papamanolis, "Progression of Formaldehyde Concentrations in a Recently Renovated Naturally Ventilated Building," presented at International Conference "Healthy Buildings/IAQ '97", Washington DC, USA, 1997.2015-11-13
8919 S.Korokithakis and M. G. Lagoudakis, “Heuristic rule induction for decision makingin near-deterministic domains,” in 6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence(SETN), 2010, pp. 339–344. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-12842-4_402015-11-13
8920 N. Papamanolis, M. Santamouris, E. Dascalaki, A. Argiriou A., D.N. Asimakopoulos,"Experimental Approach of Air Flow through a Door Connecting Rooms with Different Temperature," presented at 18th Annual Conference, Athens, 1997.2015-11-13
8921 M. Rovatsou and M. G. Lagoudakis, “Minimax search and reinforcement learning for adversarial tetris,” in 6th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN), 2010, pp.417–422.2015-11-13
8922 C. Koinakis, N. Papamanolis, "Natural Cross Ventilation for Refrigerative CoolingReduction in a Well Insulated Apartment," presented at AIVC 18th AnnualConference, Athens, Greece, 1997.2015-11-13
8923 Παπαμανώλης Ν., Δαλέζιος Ν. Ρ., "Η επίδραση της Θαλάσσιας Αύρας στιςΠεριβαλλοντικές Συνθήκες του Βόλου," στο 5ο Συνέδριο ΠεριβαλλοντικήςΕπιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας, Μόλυβος Λέσβου, Ελλάδα, 1997.2015-11-13
8924 A. Poupkou, I. Ziomas, A. Papayannis, P. Georgopoulos, C. Efstathiou, K. Eleftheriadis, K. Markakis, N. Sifakis, C. Houssiadas, P. Nicolopoulou-Stamati, G. Avdikos, M. Lazaridis, T. Giannaros ,"Evaluation of aerosol and ozone simulations over Athens using in situ sensors and LIDAR techniques combined with health indicators,"in European Aerosol Conference ,2008.2015-11-13
8925 I. Rexakis and M. G. Lagoudakis, “Directed exploration of policy space using support vector classifiers," in 2011 IEEE Intern. Symp. Adapt. Dynam. Program. Reinfo. Learn. (ADPRL), pp.112 - 119. doi:10.1109/ADPRL.2011.5967389 2015-11-13
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