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Technical University of Crete

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 10786-10800 out of 18834 results
10786 F. Simantiraki, M. Aivalioti and E. Gidarakos, "Implementation of an image analysis technique to determine LNAPL infiltration and distribution in unsaturated porous media", Desalinat., vol. 248, no. 1-3, pp. 705-715, Nov. 2009. doi:10.1016/j.desal.2008.12.0402015-11-01
10787 George Christodoulou, Euripides G.M. Petrakis, Sotirios Batsakis, "Qualitative Spatial Reasoning using Topological and Directional Information in OWL", in 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2012), 2012, pp.596 - 602 . doi:10.1109/ICTAI.2012.862015-11-01
10788 A. Giannis, A. Nikolaou, D. Pentari and E. Gidarakos, "Chelating agent-assisted electrokinetic removal of cadmium, lead and copper from contaminated soils", Envir. Pollut., vol. 157, no. 12, pp. 3379-3386, Dec. 2009. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2009.06.0302015-11-01
10789 Rena Peraki, Euripides G.M. Petrakis, Angelos Hliaoutakis, "An Information Retrieval System for Expert and Consumer Users",in IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2012), 2012 , pp. 145 - 150. doi:10.1109/BIBE.2012.63996642015-11-01
10790 E. Dimitrakakis, A. Janz, B. Bilitewski and E. Gidarakos, "Small WEEE: determining recyclables and hazardous substances in plastics", J. Hazard. Mater., vol. 161, no. 2-3, pp. 913-919, Jan. 2009. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.04.0542015-11-01
10791 E. Gidarakos, K. Anastasiadou, E. Koumantakis and N. Stappas, "Investigative studies for the use of an inactive asbestos mine as a disposal site for asbestos wastes", J. Hazard. Mater., vol. 153, no. 3, pp. 955-965, May 2008. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2007.09.0602015-11-01
10792 D. Kalderis, S. B. Hawthome, A. A. Clifford and E. Gidarakos, "Interaction of soil, water and TNT during degradation of TNT on contaminated soil using subcritical water", J. Hazard. Mater., vol. 159, no. 2-3, pp. 329-334, Nov. 2008. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.02.0412015-11-01
10793 K. Mania, T.Troscianko, R. Hawkes, A. Chalmers ,"Fidelity metrics for virtual environment simulations based on spatial memory awareness states ,"Presence: Teleop.s and Virtual Envir.,vol12,no.3 ,pp.296-310,Mar. 2006.doi:10.1162/1054746037658795492015-11-01
10794 M. V. Aivalioti and E. L. Gidarakos, "In-well air sparging efficiency in remediating the aquifer of a petroleum refinery site", J. Envir. Eng. Sci., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 71-82, 2008. doi:10.1139/S07-0372015-11-01
10795 K.Mania, B.D. Adelstein, S.R. Ellis, M.I. Hill ,"Perceptual sensitivity to head tracking latency in virtual environments with varying degrees of scene complexity," in 2004 1st Symp. on Applied perception in graphics and visual,pp.39-47.doi:10.1145/1012551.10125592015-11-01
10796 K. Mania, A. Chalmers ,"The effects of levels of immersion on memory and presence in virtual environments: A reality centered approach,"CyberPsychology & Beh.,vol. 4,no.2 ,pp.247-264,April.2001.doi:10.1089/109493101300117938.2015-11-01
10797 E. Manutsoglu,D. Mertmann ,V. Jacobshagen ,"Zur faziellen entwicklung triassischer gesteinsfolgen der Tripolitza-plattform in süd-Lakonien (Peloponnes, Griechenland),"Zeitschrift der Deut. Gesellschaft für Geowis. ,vol.144,pp.396-405,1993.2015-11-01
10798 U.F. Dornsiepen , E. Manutsoglu ,"Zur gliederung der phyllit-decke Kretas unddes Peloponnes,"Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesel. für Geowis.,vol .145,pp.286-304,1994.2015-11-01
10799 J. Bartholdy ,S.M. Bellas ,D. Mertman ,E. Machaniec ,E. Manutsoglu ,"Fazies-assoziation und biostratigraphie einer sequenz eozäner schelf-sedimente des Tatra-gebirges, Polen,"Berliner geowis. Abhandl.,vol. 16,pp. 103-116,1995.2015-11-01
10800 T. Nikolaou and E. A. Maria. (2005, May). Recent market assessment and legal framework for BEMS in Greece . Presented at International Conference “Passive and Low Energy Cooling 971 for the Built Environment”. [Online]. Available:
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