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Technical University of Crete

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 12016-12030 out of 18828 results
12016 A. Tsouchlaraki, “Investigation and design of a classification and mapping system for landscape scenic quality, using digital photographs, GIS and GPS”, in 2005 Fifth Inter.Conf. on Ecos. and Sustainable Development, pp. 571-579.doi:10.2495/ECO0505712015-10-20
12017 G.A. Achilleos, A. Tsouchlaraki, “A Decision support indices set (DE.S.I.S.). A primary quantitative evaluation tool for road networks sustainability”, 1n 2005 11th Inter. Conf. on Urban Transport and the Envir. in the 21st Century , pp.361-370.doi:10.2495/UT0503612015-10-20
12018 A. Tsouchlaraki, G. Achilleos, “Managing visual impacts through a GIS:; Visibility analysis for designing a sanitary landfill site”, in Second International Conference on Waste Management and Environment, 2004 , pp. 439-448.2015-10-19
12019 G. Achilleos, A. Tsouchlaraki, “Visibility and viewshed algorithms in an information system for environmental management”, in the Fourth Inter. Conf. on Management Inf. Systems, incorp. GIS and Remote Sensing, pp. 109-121.doi:10.2495/MIS0401212015-10-19
12020 A. Tsouchlaraki, G. Achilleos, “Visual elements inventory in urban landscapes: collecting data for a visual environmental G.I.S " in 2004 Fourth Inter. Conf. on Manag. Inf. Systems, incorporating GIS and Remote Sensing, pp. 275-286.doi:10.2495/MIS0402712015-10-19
12021 Z. Mitraka, N. Chrysoulakis, Y. Kamarianakis, P. Partsinevelos, A. Tsouchlaraki, "Improving the estimation of urban surface emissivity based on sub-pixel classification of high resolution satellite imagery", Remote Sen. of Envir. ,vol.117,pp.125–134,2012.doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.06.0252015-10-19
12022 A. Tsouchlaraki, G. Achilleos, Z. Nasioula, A. Nikolidakis,(2010).A System for monitoring environmental quality of urban road network and for supporting decision makers. Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development [online].Available:
12023 T. Tsoutsos A. Tsouchlaraki ,M. Tsiropoulos ,J. Kaldelis ,"Visual impact evaluation methods of wind parks: application for a Greek Island”, Wind Eng., vol. 33,no.1 , pp.83-92,2009.doi:10.1260/0309-524X.33.1.832015-10-19
12024 T. Tsoutsos, A. Tsouchlaraki, M. Tsiropoulos, M. Serpetsidakis, "Visual impact evaluation of a wind park in a Greek island”, App.Energy, vol. 86,no. 4, pp. 546-553, 2009.doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2008.08.0132015-10-19
12025 Y. Siskos, E. Grigoroudis, N. F. Matsatsinis and G. Baourakis, "Preference disaggregation analysis in agricultural product consumer behaviour", Advances in Multicriteria Analysis, pp. 85-202, 1995. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-2383-0_122015-10-19
12026 A. Tsouchlaraki, E. Zoaki .(2008).Investigation of environmental quality of roads in Heraklion, Crete. Wseas Transactions on Environment and Development [online].Available:
12027 A. Tsouchlaraki "Exploring the effect of demographic elements on the evaluation of the scenic beauty of various landforms-Preliminary results” Intern. J. of Design and Nature, vol. 1, no. 3 , pp. 247-257,2007.doi: 10.2495/D&N-V2-N3-247-2572015-10-19
12028 A.Tsouchlaraki , “Investigation of indices for the automated quantification of landscape qualitative characteristics using digital ground photographs” Inter. J. of Sustainable Plan. and Development, vol. 1, no. 2 , pp. 233-249, 2006.doi:10.2495/SDP-V1-N2-233-2492015-10-19
12029 Matsatsinis, N.F., E. Avgerinopoulos and G. Baourakis, "Data analysis methods applied to agricultural marketing", in: Janssen, Advances in Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers,1995, pp. 244-260. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-0663-6_162015-10-19
12030 A. Tsouchlaraki “An algorithm for digital relief visualisation capable for extracting measurment information and using GIS technology”, Geoc. Intern. , vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 71-76,2006.doi:10.1080/101060406085423762015-10-19
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