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Technical University of Crete

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 12316-12330 out of 18828 results
12316 E. S.Sergaki, G. S. Stavrakakis, K. C. Kalaitzakis, D. Piromalis,“Algorithm Implementation of a hybrid Efficiency controller incorporated to a PMSM standard FOC variable speed motor drive,”in 2009 IEEE IECON the 35th Annual Conf. of the IEEE Ind. Elect. Society,pp.1020 - 1025. doi: 10.1109/IECON.2009.54146942015-10-15
12317 N. Panagiotidou, V. Gekas, G. Stavrakakis .(2009.Modeling and evaluation of electrical energy recovery from urban solid waste: the case of Chania-Crete-Grecce.Presented at Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Environmental Science and Technology-CEST.[online].Available:
12318 Z. E. Gketsis, M.E Zervakis, G. Stavrakakis, "Detection and classification of winding faults in windmill generators using wavelet transform and ANN," in 2007 IEEE-Intern.Conf. Electric Mach. and Drives ,pp.178 - 183.doi: 10.1109/IEMDC.2007.3835732015-10-15
12319 D. Kolokotsa, A. Pouliezos ,G.. Stavrakakis .(2005).Sensor fault detection in building energy management systems.Presented at 5th International Conference on Technology and Automation.[online].Available:
12320 N. D. Hatziargyriou, E. S. Karapidakis, G. S. Stavrakakis, I. F. Dimopoulos ," Identification of synchronous machine parameters using constrained optimization," in 2001 IEEE Power Tech Conf., doi:10.1109/PTC.2001.9648122015-10-15
12321 S. Tzafetstas, G. Stavrakakis, L. Dritsas,"“Performance analysis of the computed torque control method for robotic manipulators with fast actuators” in 1989 IEEE Int. Conf. on Control and Appl. (ICCON) ,pp.734 - 739. doi:10.1109/ICCON.1989.7706172015-10-15
12322 Leonidas A. Zampetakis, Loukas Tsironis, Vassilis Moustakis, (2007) "Creativity development in engineering education: the case of mind mapping", Journal of Management Development, Vol. 26 Iss: 4, pp.370 - 380, DOI:10.1108/026217107107401102015-10-15
12323 C. Litos and V. Moustakis (2007). "Experimental evaluation of executive skills in a E.U. Country –Greece." Journal of Leadership Studies. Vol.1, Issue 2, pp. 33–52, Aug. 2007, DOI: 10.1002/jls.200142015-10-15
12324 L. Zampetakis and V. Moustakis. (2007). "Fostering corporate entrepreneurship through internal marketing: implications for change in thepublic sector." European Journal of Innovation Management.Vol.10, Iss. 4, pp. 413–433,DOI: 10.1108/14601060710828754 2015-10-15
12325 L. A. Zampetakis, V. Moustakis, T. Dewett & K. Zampetakis.(2007). "A longitudinal analysis of student creative scripts". Journal of Creative Behaviour, Vol. 42, Iss. 4, pp.: 237‐254,DOI: 10.1002/j.2162-6057.2008.tb01298.x2015-10-15
12326 E. Loukarakis, G. Stavrakakis ,"Adaptive enumeration method for the optimal interconnection planning of isolated power systems,"IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., vol. 7, no.. 3, pp. 235–243,2013.doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2012.04442015-10-15
12327 Y. A. Katsigiannis, G. S. Stavrakakis, C. Pharconides ,"Effect of wind turbine classes on the electricity production of wind farms in Cyprus island,"Conf. Papers in En.vol. 2013 ,2013.doi: 10.1155/2013/7509582015-10-15
12328 Τ. Nikolaou, D. Kolokotsa, G. Stavrakakis, I. Skias,”On the application of clustering techniques for office buildings’ energy and thermal comfort classification, ”IEEE Trans. on Sm. Grid, vol.3 ,no.4 , pp. 2196 - 2210, Dec. 2012.doi: 10.1109/TSG.2012.2215059 2015-10-15
12329 T. Nikolaou, D. Kolokotsa , G. Stavrakakis, "Review on methodologies for energy benchmarking, rating and classification of buildings ,"J. of Advances in Bui.Energy Res., vol.5, no.1 ,pp.1-18, 2011.doi:10.1080/17512549.2011.5823402015-10-15
12330 T. Nikolaoua, I. Skias, D. Kolokotsa , G. Stavrakakis, " Virtual building dataset for energy and indoor thermal comfort benchmarking of office buildings in Greece,"Ener. and Bui.,vol. 41,no. 12, pp.1409–1416,2009. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.08.0112015-10-15
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