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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης

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 11086-11100 από 18831 αποτελέσματα
11086 N.S. Papageorgiou and D.A. Kandilakis, "Convergence in approximation and nonsmooth analysis," Journal of Approximation Theory, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 41–54, Jan. 1987. doi: 10.1016/0021-9045(87)90112-22015-10-29
11087 Χριστιάνα Καρφή, "Η κατεδάφιση ως καταστροφή και ως νέα δημιουργία", Ερευνητική Εργασία, Σχολή Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 20152015-10-29
11088 Αρετή-Βασιλική Κατραμαδάκη, "Σύγχρονες μεταφράσεις της ανώνυμης αρχιτεκτονικής στη μεταπολεμική Ελλάδα", Ερευνητική Εργασία, Σχολή Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 20152015-10-29
11089 B. Manaris, V. Macgyvers and M. Lagoudakis, "A listening keyboard for users with motor impairments—A usability study," International Journal of Speech Technology, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 371-388, Nov. 2002. doi: 10.1023/A:10209172101652015-10-28
11090 M. G. Lagoudakis and R. Parr, "Least-squares policy iteration," Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 4, pp. 1107-1149, 2003.2015-10-28
11091 C. Gaganis, A. Liadaki, M. Doumpos , C. Zopounidis ," Estimating and analyzing the efficiency and productivity of bank branches: Evidence from Greece, " Managerial Fin., vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 202-218,2009.doi:10.1108/030743509109235182015-10-28
11092 Kleanthi Lakiotaki, Angelos Hliaoutakis, Serafim Koutsos and Euripides G.M. Petrakis.(2013, Nov.). Recommending medical documents by user profile.Presented at IEEE 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2013).[Online].Available:http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~petrakis/publications/BIBE2013_UserProfile.pdf2015-10-28
11093 N. Pashkova, G. Baourakis, C. Zopounidis , D. Alexakis," A comparative financial assessment of producing and marketing cooperatives in Russia and Greece," J. of Comp. Optim. in Ec. and Finance, vol.1, no. 3 ,2008.2015-10-28
11094 M. Doumpos, C. Zopounidis," Model combination for bankruptcy prediction and credit risk assessment: A stacked generalization approach,"Annals of Oper.Res., vol 151, no. 1,pp. 289- 306,April 2007.doi:10.1007/s10479-006-0120-x2015-10-28
11095 Paraskevi Raftopoulou, Christos Tryfonopoulos, Euripides G.M. Petrakis, and Nikos Zevlis. (2013, Sep.). DS4: Introducing semantic friendship in distributed social networks. Presented at In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS).[Online]. Available:http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~petrakis/publications/COOPIS2013-RTPZ.pdf2015-10-28
11096 Kostas Stravoskoufos, Alexandros Preventis, Stelios Sotiriadis and Euripides G.M. Petrakis.(2014, Apr.). A survey on approaches for interoperability and portability of cloud computing services. Presented at In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014).[Online]. Available:http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~petrakis/publications/CLOSER2014.pdf2015-10-28
11097 F. Pasiouras, M. Doumpos , C. Zopounidis ," Multicriteria framework for the prediction of corporate failure in the UK, " Frontiers in Fin.and Econ., vol. 4, no. 1, pp.65 - 90,2007.2015-10-28
11098 Y. Marinakis, M. Marinaki and N. Matsatsinis, “A Hybrid Bumble Bees Mating Optimization – GRASP Algorithm for Clustering”,in 4th International Conference of Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 2009, Salamanca, pp. 549-556. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02319-4_662015-10-28
11099 Chrysa H. Thermolia, Ekaterini S. Bei, and Euripides G.M. Petrakis. Prediction of the Evolution of Bipolar Depression using Semantic Web Technologies.(2014, Jul.) Presented at 5th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA 2014).[Online]. Available:http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~petrakis/publications/BIPOLAR-IISA2014.pdf2015-10-28
11100 Y. Marinakis, M. Marinaki and N. Matsatsinis, “A Bumble bees mating optimization algorithm for global unconstrained optimization problems”, in Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2010, pp. 305-318. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-12538-6_262015-10-28
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