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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης
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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης

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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 11941-11955 από 18828 αποτελέσματα
11941 E. Steiakakis, C. Gamvroudis ,A. Komodromos ,E. Repouskou (2012). Hydraulic conductivity of compacted kaolin - sand specimens under high hydraulic gradients. EJ Geotechnical Engineering [online]. p.p. 783-799.Available:http://www.ejge.com/2012/Ppr12.068alr.pdf2015-10-20
11942 Marinakis, Y., M. Marinaki, N. Matsatsinis,"A Hybrid Bumble Bees MatingOptimization - GRASP Algorithm for Clustering", Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol: 5572, pp. 549–556, 2009. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02319-4_662015-10-20
11943 E. Manutsoglu ,E. Steiakakis , "New conceptual model of geology and hydrogeology of SW Crete, based on the extension of Trypali unit in the region,"in 2011 12th Intern. Multidis. Scientific Geo-Confer. and EXPO,pp.199 - 206.doi:10.5593/SGEM2012/S02.V20262015-10-20
11944 E. Steiakakis, M. Galetakis, G. Alevizos, and A. Stratakis (2012, Sep.) Mineralogical and ore-petrographic comparative investigation of iron ores from West-Crete, Greece. Presented at European Mineralogical Conference, 2012. [Omline]. Available: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EMC2012/EMC2012-168-2.pdf2015-10-20
11945 A.G. Sifalakis, E.P. Papadopoulou, Y.G. Saridakis: Parallel Solution of the Generalized Dirichlet-Neumann Map for Elliptic PDEs on Regular Polygon Domains. Proceedings ECCOMAS’08, Venise, Italy, Jul. 2008.2015-10-20
11946 N. N. Kourgialas , G. P. Karatzas and N. P. Nikolaidis, "Development of a thresholds approach for real‐time flash flood prediction in complex geomorphological river basins," Hydrological Processes, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 1478-1494, May 2012. doi: 10.1002/hyp.82722015-10-20
11947 A. Savvaidis ,B. Margaris ,N. Theodoulidis ,V. Lekidis ,Ch. Karakostas ,M-D. Mangriotis ,I. Kalogeras ,S. Koutrakis ,A Vafidis ,M. Steiakakis ,Z. Agioutantis,D. Rozos ,C. Loupasakis ,Th. Rondoyanni ,P. Tsangaratos ,U. Dikmen ,N. Papadopoulos ,A. Sarris ,P. Soupios ,E. Kokkinou ,I. Papadopoulos ,M. Kouli F. Vallianatos ," Geo-characterization according to recent advances of Eurocode (EC8),"in 2013 First Intern.Conf. on Remote Sensing and Geoinf. of Envir.,doi:10.1117/12.20284562015-10-20
11948 A.S. Fokas, E.P. Papadopoulou, Y.G. Saridakisand M.J. Ablowitz, "Interaction of Simple Particles in Soliton Cellular Automata", Stud. in Appl. Mathematics. vol. 81, no.2. pp. 153-180. Oct. 1989. doi:0.1002/sapm19898121532015-10-20
11949 E. A. Varouchakis, D. T. Hristopoulos and G. P. Karatzas, "Improving kriging of groundwater level data using nonlinear normalizing transformations—a field application," Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1404-1419, Sep. 2012. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2012.7171742015-10-20
11950 E. Steiakakis, C. Gamvroudis, G. Alevizos,"Kozeny-Carman equation and hydraulic conductivity of compacted clayey soils", Geom., vol. 2. no. 2, pp. 37-41, 2012. doi:10.4236/gm.2012.220062015-10-20
11951 ’’Recent Developments in Soliton Cellular Automata’’, E.P. Papadopoulou, Nonlinear Evolution Equations andDynamical Systems, eds S. Carrillo, O. Ragnisco, Springer-Verlag, pp. 186-189. 1990. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-84039-5_362015-10-20
11952 V. Pisinaras , C. Petalas, V.A. Tsihrintzis, and G.P. Karatzas, "Integrated modeling as a decision-aiding tool for groundwater management in a Mediterranean agricultural watershed," Hydrological Processes, vol. 27, no. 14, pp. 1973–1987, Jul. 2013. doi: 10.1002/hyp.93312015-10-20
11953 Z. Dokou , and G.P. Karatzas, "Multi-objective optimization for free-phase LNAPL recovery using evolutionary computation algorithms," Hydrological Sciences Journal, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 671-685, 2013. doi: 10.1080/02626667.2012.7541032015-10-20
11954 Least Squares Iterative Solution on a Fixed Size VLSI Architecture , E.P. Papadopoulou, T.S. Papatheodorou, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.297, pp. 914-925. May 20052015-10-20
11955 G. Panagopoulos ,E. Giannakakos ,E. Manoutsoglou ,E. Steiakakis ,P. Soupios ,A. Vafidis ," Definition of inferred faults using 3d geological modeling techniques: a case study in Σympaki basin in Crete, Greece," in the 13th International Congress, 2013.2015-10-20
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