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 12136-12150 από 18828 αποτελέσματα
12136 C.P .Providakis ,E.V. Liarakos ,E. Kampianakis ,"Non-destructive wireless monitoring of early-age concrete strength gain using an innovative electromechanical impedance sensing system," Smart Mat.Research ,vol.2013 ,2013.doi:10.1155/2013/9325682015-10-18
12137 C.P. Providakis , E.V. Liarakos ," T-WiEYE: An early-age concrete strength development monitoring and miniaturized wireless impedance sensing system," Eng. Procedia ,vol. 10 ,pp.484-89,2011.doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.04.0822015-10-18
12138 C. P. Providakis, “Effect of supplemental damping on LRB and FPS seismic isolators under near-fault ground motions”, Soil Dyn. and Earth. Engineering,vol. 29 ,no.1, pp.80-89, 2009.doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.01.0122015-10-18
12139 C.P . Providakis,M.E. Voutetaki, “Electromechanical admittance-based damage identification using box-Behnken design of experiments," Structural Dur. and Health Mon., vol.3,no.4 ,pp. 211-227, 2008.doi:10.3970/sdhm.2007.003.2112015-10-18
12140 C. P. Providakis, D.P. Kontoni , M.E. Voutetaki, “Comparisons of smart damping treatments based on FEM modeling of electromechanical impedance, " Smart Struc. and Systems, vol. 4,no.1 ,pp. 35-46, 2008.doi:10.12989/sss.2008.4.1.0352015-10-18
12141 C.P Providakis, P. .N Kontoni ,M.E. Voutetaki, “Development of an electromechanical admittance approach for application in the vibration control of intelligent structures," Smart Mat. and Struct., vol.16, no.2 ,pp.275-281, 2007.doi:10.1088/0964-1726/16/2/0052015-10-18
12142 C. P. Providakis, “Repair of cracked structures under dynamic load using electromechanical admittance approach," Key Engin. Materials, vol.348-349,pp. 49-52, 2007.doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.348-349.492015-10-18
12143 C. P. Providakis, “Pushover analysis of base-isolated steel-concrete composite structures under near-fault excitations," Soil Dyn. and Earthquake Engin., vol. 28,no.4,pp. 293-304, 2008.doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2007.06.0122015-10-18
12144 S. Anagnostopoulos, C. Providakis, P. Salvaneschi, G. Athanasopoulos , G. Bonacina, “SEISMOCARE: An efficient GIS tool for scenario-type investigations of seismic risk of existing cities, " Soil Dyn. and earthquake Eng., vol.28,no. 2, pp.73-84, 2008.doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2007.06.0112015-10-18
12145 C.P. Providakis, “Effect of LRB isolators and supplemental viscous damper on seismic isolated buildings under near-fault excitations," Eng. Structures, ,vol.30,no.5,pp.1187-1198, 2008.doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.07.0202015-10-18
12146 C. P. Providakis.(2007).The effect of internal support conditions to the elastoplastic transient response of Reissner-Mindlin plates. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Science [online].Available:
12147 C. P. Providakis, “A strain energy density rate approach to the BEM analysis of creep fracture problems”, Str. Durab. and Heal. Monitoring, vol. 1,no.1 ,pp. 11-16, 2006.doi:10.3970/sdhm.2006.002.2492015-10-18
12148 C.P. Providakis, “An efficient complex variable technique for the boundary element solution of stress concentration problems arising in notched creeping metallic structural components," Intern. J. of Fracture, vol.119,no.2,pp. 125- 144, 2003.doi:10.1023/A:10239609194812015-10-18
12149 C.P. Providakis, “Viscoplastic BEM fracture analysis of creeping metallic cracked structures in plane stress using complex variable techniques," Eng. Fracture Mech. ,vol. 70,no. 6,pp. 707-720, 2003.doi:10.1016/S0013-7944(02)00084-X2015-10-18
12150 C. P. Providakis , S.G. Kourtakis, “Time-dependent creep fracture using singular boundary elements”, Comp. Mech., vol.29, no.4,pp. 298-306, 2002.doi:10.1007/s00466-002-0342-y2015-10-18
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