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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης
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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης

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Υπο-κοινότητες Συλλογές

Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 13186-13200 από 18828 αποτελέσματα
13186 T. Tsoutsos, V. Kouloumpis, T. Zafiris, S. Foteinis ,"Life cycle a ssessment for biodiesel production under Greek climate conditions",J. of Cl. Product. ,vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 328–335, Mar. 2010 .doi :10.1016/j.jclepro.2009.11.0022015-09-27
13187 T. Tsoutsos, J. Anagnostou, C. Pritchard, M. Karagiorgas, D.s Agoris , "Solar cooling technologies in Greece. An economic viability analysis",Ap. Ther. Engin.,vol .23 ,no.11 ,pp. 1427–1439,2003. doi:10.1016/S1359-4311(03)00089-92015-09-27
13188 E .I. Zoulias, R. Glockner, N. Lymberopoulos, T. Tsoutsos, I .Vosseler, O. Gavalda, H.J. Mydske, P. Taylor , " Integration of Hydrogen Energy Technologies in Stand-Alone Power System.Analysis of the Current Potential for Applications ",Ren. and Sus. Ener. Re.,vol .10 ,no.5 ,pp. 432-462 , 2006. doi :10.1016/j.rser.2004.10.0012015-09-27
13189 I. Vallios, T.Tsoutsos, G.Papadakis ,"Design of biomass district heating systems " ,Bio. and bioen., vol.33,no.4 pp.659–678,Ap. 2009 .doi :10.1016/j.biombioe.2008.10.0092015-09-27
13190 T.Tsoutsos, E. Aloumpi, Z. Gkouskos, M. Karagiorgas , "Design of a solar absorption cooling system in a Greek hospital",En. and Buil. ,vol 42, no. 2, pp. 265–272 ,Feb. 2010. doi :10.1016/j.enbuild.2009.09.0022015-09-27
13191 T.Tsoutsos, V. Gekas, K. Marketaki , "Technical and economical evaluation of solar thermal power generation ",Ren. Ener.,vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 873–886,May 2003.doi :10.1016/S0960-1481(02)00152-02015-09-27
13192 K. Venetsanos, P. Angelopoulou, T. Tsoutsos ,"Renewable energy sources project appraisal under uncertainty: the case of wind energy exploitation within a changing energy market environment",En. Pol. ,vol. 30, no. 4,pp. 293–307, Mar. 2002 .doi :10.1016/S0301-4215(01)00096-92015-09-27
13193 T. Tsoutsos, M. Drandaki, N. Frantzeskaki, E. Iosifidis, I. Kiosses ,"Sustainable energy planning by using multi-criteria analysis application in the island of Crete ",En.Pol., vol. 37,no. 5, pp. 1587–1600,May 2009.doi :10.1016/j.enpol.2008.12.0112015-09-27
13194 T.D Tsoutsos, Y. A Stamboulis .(2005) .The sustainable diffusion of Renewable Energy technologies as an example of an Innovation-Focused Policy. Tech. [online] .vol.25 (no. 7), pp.753–761.Available :http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Theocharis_Tsoutsos2/publication/233421143_The_sustainable_diffusion_of_Renewable_Energy_technologies_as_an_example_of_an_Innovation-Focused_Policy/links/0deec524b31345057a000000.pdf2015-09-26
13195 T. Tsoutsos, N.Frantzeskaki, V.Gekas (2005). Environmental impacts from the solar energy technologies .Ener. Poli. [online] .vol.33,pp.289–296. Available: http://www.calepa.ca.gov/Cepc/2013/Feb28/Comments/AppA_Ex5.pdf2015-09-26
13196 G. Chalkiadakis. (2008,May) .Sequential decision making in repeated coalition formation under uncertainty . Presentd at the Seventh International Conference on Agents and Multiagent Systems, Estoril, Portugal, 12 - 16 May 2008.[online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/2656802015-09-26
13197 A. A. Panagopoulos , G. Chalkiadakis, R. N. Jennings .(2015). Towards optimal solar tracking: a dynamic programming approach. Presened at 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Austin, US, 25 - 30 Jan 2015. [online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/372197/1/pcj2014.pdf2015-09-26
13198 A. Angelidakis, G. Chalkiadakis .(2015, May) .Factored MDPS for Optimal prosumer Decision-Making.Presented at the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.[online]. Available: http://www.aamas2015.com/en/AAMAS_2015_USB/aamas/p503.pdf2015-09-26
13199 K. Babas, G.Chalkiadakis, E. Tripolitakis , "You are what you consume: a bayesian method for personalized recommendations ",In the 7th ACM conf. on Rec.systems 2013,pp.221-228.doi :10.1145/2507157.2507158 2015-09-26
13200 A. Chliaoutakis, G. Chalkiadakis .(2014) .Utilizing Agent-based modeling to gain new insights into the ancient minoan civilization.Presented at the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.[online] .Available : http://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2014/aamas/p1371.pdf2015-09-26
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