Nikolaos Agadakos, "Multiple frequency medium access control protocols and applications", Diploma Work, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2012
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN's), nodes are scattered at dicult-to-reach areas and any interaction with a node after its initial setup is usuallydicult. As such, applications designed for this kind of networks must below power and ad-hoc in nature, as the topology of such networks is usuallyunknown. In this thesis we propose a new cross-layer communication proto-col adhering to the concepts of low-power, low trac, ad-hoc WSN's. Thedesigned protocol utilizes multiple frequencies to address the link, mediumaccess control (MAC) and routing over an ad-hoc topology, while attemptingto function despite the common innate problems of such networks such aspartitioning or interference.