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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 91-98 από 98 αποτελέσματα
91 S. Christodoulakis, P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, M. Mylonakis, M. Patel, S.Kapidakis, C. Papatheodorou, A. Arahova, B. Vagiati, H. Konsolaki, "Interoperability of eLearning applications with digital libraries ,in 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries,2006,pp. 83-85.2015-10-04
92 P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, M. Mylonakis, S. Christodoulakis and G. Theodorakis ,"A pedagogy-driven personalization framework to support automatic construction of adaptive learning experiences ", in 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL), 2007, pp.55-65. doi :10.1007/978-3-540-78139-4_62015-10-04
93 P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, M. Mylonakis, S. Christodoulakis , "A framework and an architecture for supporting interoperability between digital libraries and eLearning applications ", in 2007 Delos Con. on Digital Libr., pp.137-146. doi :10.1007/978-3-540-77088-6_132015-10-04
94 M. Mylonakis, P. Arapi, N. Pappas, N. Moumoutzis and S. Christodoulakis ,"Metadata management and sharing in multimedia open learning environment (MOLE) "In 2011 Metadata Semantics and Research Conference (MTSR), pp. 275-286. doi :10.1007/978-3-642-24731-6_292015-10-04
95 N. Pappas, P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, M. Mylonakis , S. Christodoulakis, "The Multimedia Open Learning Environment (MOLE) ",in the Open Classroom Conference, 2011. 2015-10-04
96 Ko. Makris, G. Skevakis, V. Kalokyri, P. Arapi, S.Christodoulakis, J. Stoitsis, Ni Manolis, S. L. Rojas ,"Federating Natural History Museums in Natural Europe ", In 2013 the Meta Sem and Res Conf (MTSR) ,pp.361-372.doi :10.1007/978-3-319-03437-9_352015-10-04
97 G. Stylianakis, P. Arapi, N.Moumoutzis, S. Christodoulakis ,CoLearn: Real time collaborative learning environment ", In 2013 Int.Conf on E-Lea. and E-Tech. in Educ., pp.13 - 18.doi : 10.1109/ICeLeTE.2013.66443402015-10-03
98 G. Stylianakis , N. Moumoutzis , P. Arapi , M. Mylonakis , S. Christodoulakis ,"COLearn and open discovery space portal alignment: A case of enriching open learning infrastructures with collaborative learning capabilities ",In the Int. Conf. on Inter. Mob. Com. Techn. and Learn. (IMCL) ,pp.252 - 256.doi :10.1109/IMCTL.2014.70112015-10-03
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