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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 721-735 από 1258 αποτελέσματα
721 D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick, “The significance of coiling for cochlear mechanics," in Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, 1998.2015-11-11
722 D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick, “The significance of coiling for cochlear mechanics," in NIH ResearchFestival, 1998.2015-11-11
723 D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick, “Some effects of geometry on the fluid mechanics of the cochlea," in Assoc. for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, 1999.2015-11-11
724 R.S. Chadwick and D. Manoussaki, “Geometric wave amplification in a helicoidal version of the classical model of cochlear mechanics,” in 1999 Symp. on Recent Devel. in Auditory Mech. doi:10.1142/9789812793980_00282015-11-11
725 D. Manoussaki. (2002, Nov.). Modelling and simulation for the formation of vascular networks. Presented at MS4CMS:Modelling and Simulation for Computer-Aided Medicine and Surgery. [Online]. Available: http://www.esaim-proc.org/articles/proc/pdf/2002/02/manoussaki.pdf2015-11-11
726 D. Manoussaki, “A mechanochemical model of angiogenesis and vasculogenesis,” in International Conference on Mathematical Biology, pp. 581 - 599. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/m2an:20030462015-11-11
727 D. Manoussaki, “A mathematical study of the forces during Vascular Network Formation,” in 3rd Symposium on Computational Cell Biology, 2005.2015-11-11
728 D. Manoussaki, “A mathematical study of vascular network formation,” in SIAM conference on application of dynamical systems, Minisymposium on Angiogenesis, 2005.2015-11-11
729 Ketten, D. R., J. J. Arruda, S. R. Cramer, M. Yamato, J. T. O' Malley, D. Manoussaki, E. K. Dimitriadis, R. S. Chadwick, J. Shoshani, and J. Meng, “Great ears: Functional comparisons of land and marine leviathan ears,” in ARO Annual Midwinter Meeting, 2006.2015-11-11
730 G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados, “On DPSK demodulation of DS/CDMA signals,” in Proc. IEEE ,Communication Theory Symposium,(GLOBECOM '99) Brazil, Dec. pp. 2487-2492 doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.1999.8317492015-11-10
731 G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados, “Multiuser differential-PSK demodulators for DS/CDMA signals,” in Proc. SPIE’s 14th Annual International Symposium, Digital Wireless Communication Conference, 2000, pp. 155-166.2015-11-10
732 G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados, “Adaptive assignment of binary user spreading codes in DS-CDMA systems,” in Proc. SPIE’s 15th Annual International Symposium, Digital Wireless Communication Conference, 2001, pp. 137-1442015-11-10
733 G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados, “Minimum total-squared-correlation design of DS-CDMA binary signature sets,” in Proc. IEEE , Communication Theory Symposium, (GLOBECOM '01) pp.801-805, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2001.9655292015-11-10
734 J. D. Matyjas, G. N. Karystinos, and S. N. Batalama, “On the training of DS-CDMA neural-network receivers,” in Proc. IEEE - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,(ICASSP '02) pp. 1017-1020, doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2002.57439672015-11-10
735 G. N. Karystinos and D. A. Pados, “Fundamental code division multiplexing properties of minimum total-squaredcorrelation binary signature sets,” in Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS'03) 2015-11-10
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