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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 916-930 από 1257 αποτελέσματα
916 K .Mania ," Simulating perception with interactive virtual environments ," in 2004 Intern. Conf.on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 2770-2776.doi:10.1109/ICSMC.2004.14007522015-11-02
917 K. Mania, A. Bennett ," The effect of stereo on schema activation within immersive virtual environments ," in 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH ,pp.105-105.doi:10.1145/1186954.11870742015-11-02
918 N.Mourkoussis, K. Mania, T. Troscianko, F. Rivera, R. Hawkes ,"Friction and slant perception in real and virtual environments,"in 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH ,pp.118-118.doi:10.1145/1179622.11797592015-11-02
919 N. Mourkoussis, F. Rivera, T. Troscianko, K. Mania, R. Hawkes ,"Action-based slant perception in real and virtual environments,"in 2007 4th symp. on Applied perception in graph. and visual. ,pp.135-135.doi:10.1145/1272582.12726122015-11-02
920 A. Zotos, K. Mania, N. Mourkoussis," A selective rendering algorithm based on memory schemas," in 2009 SIGGRAPH ,pp.42-42.doi:10.1145/1599301.15993432015-11-02
921 F. Rivera, P. Watten, P. Holroyd, F. Beacher, K. Mania, H. Critchley ,"Real-time compositing framework for interactive stereo fMRI displays," in 2010 ACM SIGGRAPH,pp.16-16.doi:10.1145/1836845.18368622015-11-02
922 K. Mania, N.Medford, G. Christodoulou, P. L. Watten, F. Rivera, E. Radulescu, H. Critchley ,"Exploring behavioural fidelity of synthetic stimuli while immersed in fMRI displays,"in 2011 Third Intern. Conf. on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Appli.,pp.215-219.doi:10.1109/VS-GAMES.2011.402015-11-02
923 C. Paraskeva, G.A. Koulieris, M. Coxon, K. Mania ,"Gender differences in spatial awareness in immersive virtual environments: a preliminary investigation,"in 2012 11th Intern. Conf. on Virtual-Reality Cont. and its Applications in Industry ,pp.95-98.doi:10.1145/2407516.24075462015-11-02
924 G.A. Koulieris, G. Drettakis, D. Cunningham, N. Sidorakis, K. Mania ,"Context-aware material selective rendering for mobile graphics,"in 2014 ACM SIGGRAPH,pp.92-92.doi:i10.1145/2614217.26142462015-11-02
925 E. Mavromihelaki, J. Eccles, N. Harrison, H. Critchley, K. Mania ,"Cyberball3D+ for fMRI: implementing neuroscientific gaming," in 2014 ACM SIGGRAPH,pp.29-29.doi:i10.1145/2614217.26142782015-11-02
926 A. McNamara, K. Mania, G. Koulieris, L. Itti ,"Attention-aware rendering, mobile graphics and games,"in 2014 ACM SIGGRAPH,pp.6-6.doi:10.1145/2614028.26154162015-11-02
927 G.A. Koulieris, G. Drettakis, D. Cunningham, K. Mania ,High level saliency prediction for smart game balancing,"in 2014 ACM SIGGRAPH ,pp.73-73.doi:10.1145/2614106.26141572015-11-02
928 E. Mavromihelaki, J. Eccles, N. Harrison, T. Grice-Jackson, J. Ward, J. Ward, H. Critchley, K. Mania ,"Cyberball3D+: A 3D Serious Game for fMRI Investigating Social Exclusion and Empathy ," in 2014 6th Intern. Conf. on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Appl. (VS-GAMES),pp.1-8.doi:10.1109/VS-Games.2014.70120322015-11-02
929 A. Giannakidis, G. Giakoumidakis, K. Mania ,"3D photorealistic scientific visualization of tsunami waves and sea level rise,"in 2012 Inter. Conf. on Imaging Syst. and Techniques (IST),pp.167-172.doi:10.1109/IST.2014.69584672015-11-02
930 N. Sidorakis, G.A. Koulieris, K. Mania ,"Binocular eye-tracking for the control of a 3D immersive multimedia user interface," in 2015 1st Work. on Ever. Virtual Real. (WEVR),pp.15-15.doi:10.1109/WEVR.2015.71516892015-11-02
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