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 1201-1215 από 1215 αποτελέσματα
1201 C. Akasiadis , G. Chalkiadakis .(2013).Agent Cooperatives for Effective Power Consumption Shifting.Presented at the Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13).[online]. Available:http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~gehalk/Papers/CoopShiftACaaai2013_cr_ext_1.pdf2015-10-01
1202 G. Chalkiadakis, E.Elkind , N. R. Jennings.(2012).Simple Coalitional Games with Beliefs .Presented at the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) ,Pasadena, USA.[online].Available : http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~gehalk/Papers/scgbels.pdf2015-10-01
1203 W. T. L. Leacy, G. Chalkiadakis, A. Farinelli, A. Rogers, N. R. Jennings, S. McClean and G. Parr, "Decentralized bayesian reinforcement learning for online agent collaboration," presented at 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Valencia, Spain, 2012.2015-09-30
1204 T. Matthews , S. D. Ramchurn ,G. Chalkiadakis.(2012).Competing with Humans at Fantasy Football: Team Formation in Large Partially-Observable Domains.Presented at the Twenty-Sixth Conference of the Association for the Advancement for Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, CA, 22 - 26 Jul 2012.[online]. Available: http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~gehalk/Papers/fantasyFootball2012cr.pdf2015-09-30
1205 Y. Zick ,G. Chalkiadakis ,E. Elkind .(2012).Overlapping Coalition Formation Games: Charting the Tractability Frontier .Presented at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.[online].Available :http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home2009/yair0001/ocfcomp.pdf2015-09-30
1206 G. Chalkiadakis,E. Markakis,N. R. Jennings .(2012).Coalitional Stability in Structured Environments.Presented at the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.[onlline]. Available: http://pages.cs.aueb.gr/~markakis/research/aamas12-coop-graphs.pdf2015-09-30
1207 G. Chalkiadakis ,E. Markakis ,C. Boutilier .(2007).Coalition formation under uncertainty: Bargaining equilibria and the bayesian core stability concept.Presented at 6th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems.[online] .Available : http://www.cs.utoronto.ca/kr/papers/gehalk_AAMAS07.pdf2015-09-30
1208 G. Chalkiadakis. (2008,May) .Sequential decision making in repeated coalition formation under uncertainty . Presentd at the Seventh International Conference on Agents and Multiagent Systems, Estoril, Portugal, 12 - 16 May 2008.[online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/id/eprint/2656802015-09-26
1209 A. A. Panagopoulos , G. Chalkiadakis, R. N. Jennings .(2015). Towards optimal solar tracking: a dynamic programming approach. Presened at 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence , Austin, US, 25 - 30 Jan 2015. [online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/372197/1/pcj2014.pdf2015-09-26
1210 A. Angelidakis, G. Chalkiadakis .(2015, May) .Factored MDPS for Optimal prosumer Decision-Making.Presented at the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.[online]. Available: http://www.aamas2015.com/en/AAMAS_2015_USB/aamas/p503.pdf2015-09-26
1211 K. Babas, G.Chalkiadakis, E. Tripolitakis , "You are what you consume: a bayesian method for personalized recommendations ",In the 7th ACM conf. on Rec.systems 2013,pp.221-228.doi :10.1145/2507157.2507158 2015-09-26
1212 A. Chliaoutakis, G. Chalkiadakis .(2014) .Utilizing Agent-based modeling to gain new insights into the ancient minoan civilization.Presented at the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.[online] .Available : http://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2014/aamas/p1371.pdf2015-09-26
1213 A. A.Panagopoulos, G. Chalkiadakis, E. Koutroulis . ( 2012,Aug.) .Predicting the power output of distributed renewable energy resources within a broad geographical Region.Presented at 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems Track , Montpellier, FR.[online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/341638/1/pckPowerOutPredecai2012.pdf2015-09-26
1214 R.Kota, G.Chalkiadakis, V. Robu, A. Rogers, N.R Jennings .(2012) .Cooperatives for demand side management.Presented at the Seventh Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems.[onlive].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/339761/1/demmang.pdf2015-09-26
1215 G. Chalkiadakis, E. Elkind, M. Polukarov, N. R Jennings .(2009) .The Price of Democracy in Coalition Formation. Presented at the 8th International conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems-volume 1.[online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/267067/1/cepjPoDaamas2009final.pdf2015-09-26
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