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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 946-960 από 1326 αποτελέσματα
946 V.C. Kelessidis, " Investigations on the thixotropy of bentonite suspensions, "Energy Sources Part A, vol. 30, no. 18, pp. 1729-1746, 2008. doi: 10.1080/155670307014562612015-10-29
947 K. Founargiotakis, V.C. Kelessidis, R. Maglione, " Laminar, transitional and turbulent flow of Herschel-Bulkley fluids in concentric annulus," The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 676–683, Aug. 2008. doi: 10.1002/cjce.200742015-10-29
948 I. Vardiambasis, G. Liodakis, G. J. Karonis and J.P. Makris, "Studying electromagnetic scattering by dielectric cylinders: An engineering electromagnetics’ exercise at the Technological Educational Institute of Crete," Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 77-82, Nov. 2004.2015-10-29
949 V.C. Kelessidis, R. Maglione, "Yield stress of water–bentonite dispersions," Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 318, no. 1-3, pp. 217–226, Aprl. 2008. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2007.12.0502015-10-29
950 A. Maravelis , E. Manutsoglou ,P. Konstantopoulos , G. Pantopoulos , G. Makrodimitras , E. Zoumpoulis , A. Zelilidis ,"Hydrocarbons plays and prospectivity of the Mediterranean ridge,"En. Sour. Part A,vol. 37,no.4 ,pp.347-355,Jan. 2015.doi: 10.1080/15567036.2011.5826002015-10-29
951 V.C. Kelessidis, G.I. Karydakis, N. Andritsos," Method for selecting casing diameters in wells producing low-enthalpy geothermal waters containing dissolved carbon dioxide," Geothermics,vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 243–264, Jun. 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2007.01.0032015-10-29
952 V.C. Kelessidis, G.E. Bandelis , J. Li, "Flow of dilute solid–liquid mixtures in horizontal concentric and eccentric annulus," Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1-6, 2007. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/07-05-062015-10-29
953 V.C. Kelessidis, C. Tsamantaki, P. Dalamarinis, " Effect of pH and electrolyte on the rheology of aqueous Wyoming bentonite-dispersions," Applied Clay Science, vol. 38, no. 1-2, pp. 86–96, Dec. 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2007.01.011 2015-10-29
954 I. Vardiambasis, G. Liodakis and E. Zaoutis, "Digital audio broadcasting simulation: a microwave communications’ exercise at the technological educational institute of Crete," Advances in Engineering Education, vol. 1, no. 1, pp.90-93, Nov. 2004.2015-10-29
955 G. Liodakis, D. Arvanitis and I. Vardiambasis, "Neural network – based digital receiver for radio communications," WSEAS Transactions on Systems, vol. 10, no.3, pp.3308-3313, Dec. 2004.2015-10-29
956 I. V. Yentekakis, P. G. Debenedetti and B. Costa, "A novel fused metal anode solid electrolyte fuel cell for direct coal gasification: a steady-state model", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 1414-1424, 1989. doi:10.1021/ie00093a0222015-10-29
957 By G. Liodakis, M. Kalogiannakis, M. Psarros and K. Vassilakis, "Building E-services for learning and teaching by the exploitation of an LMS system," WSEAS Transa. Commun., vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 792-799, Sept. 2005.2015-10-29
958 V.C. Kelessidis, R. Maglione," Modeling rheological behavior of bentonite suspensions as Casson and Robertson-Stiff fluids using Newtonian and true shear rates in Couette viscometry," Powder Technology, vol. 168, no. 3, pp. 134–147, Oct. 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2006.07.0112015-10-29
959 C. G. Vayenas, S. Bebelis, S. Neophytides and I. V. Yentekakis, "Non-faradaic electrochemical modification of catalytic activity in solid electrolyte cells", Appl. Phys. A, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 95-103, Jul. 1989. doi:10.1007/BF006154712015-10-29
960 I. V. Yentekakis and C. G. Vayenas, "The effect of electrochemical oxygen pumping on the steady-state and oscillatory behavior of CO oxidation on polycrystalline Pt", J. Catal., vol. 111, no. 1, pp. 170-188, May 1988.doi:10.1016/0021-9517(88)90075-92015-10-29
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