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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 196-210 από 336 αποτελέσματα
196 E. Stamboliadis and V. Gaganis, "Application of computer assisted mathematical analysis for the interpretation of mineral grinding data", in International Confenrence SCCE, 2004.2015-11-07
197 V. Gaganis, N. Varotsis, J. Nighswander and G. P. Birkett , "Monitoring PVT properties derivatives ensures physically sound tuned EOS behaviour over the entire operating conditions range", in SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, 2005. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/94211-MS2015-11-07
198 V. Gaganis and N. Varotsis, "Sensitivity controlled neural networks for the prediction of thermodynamic properties of fluids", in International Confenrence on Experiments/Process/System modeling/Simulation/Optimization, 2005.2015-11-07
199 V. Gaganis, N. Varotsis and G. P. Birkett, "Sensitivity controlled neural networks for the prediction of PVT properties exhibit equation of state like behavior", in 22th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, 2006.2015-11-07
200 V. Gaganis and N. Varotsis, “The risk of non-physically sound tuned cubic EoS models: critical appraisal and remedies”, in 23th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, 2008.2015-11-07
201 V. Gaganis, “A fast and robust method for solving the mass-balance equation in phase-split calculations”, in 4th International Confenrence on Experiments/Process/System modeling/Simulation/Optimization, 2011. 2015-11-07
202 V. Gaganis and N. Varotsis, “A new transformation for the rapid solution of the rachford-rice equation in phase split calculations”, in North Africa Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2012. doi: 10.2118/150932-MS2015-11-07
203 V. Gaganis and N. Varotsis, “Machine learning methods to speed up compositional reservoir simulation”, in SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference, 2012. doi: 10.2118/154505-MS2015-11-07
204 V. Gaganis and N. Varotsis, “Novel approach to the reduced variables method improves phase equilibrium computations accuracy”, in 26th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, 2012.2015-11-07
205 D. Pentari, “Evaluation of different analytical methods used for the determination oftrace elements in coal ash” presented at 10thInternational Congress of the Geological Society of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2004.2015-11-07
206 D. Pentari, A.E. Foscolos, "Geochemistry of Florina and Elassona coal basins withemphasis on trace elements and elements of environmental concern," presented at 1st International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management andEnvironmental Geotechnology, 2004.2015-11-07
207 Β. Περδικάτσης, Ε. Μανούτσογλου, Ν. Σπάρταλη, Δ. Μωραίτης, Δ. Πεντάρη, 2004, Aπρίλιος). Συμπεριφορά υγρών αποβλήτων ελαιουργείων σε πετρώματα διαφόρου λιθολογίας.»Στο 10 th International Congress, Thessaloniki. [Online]. Διαθέσιμο: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/27227193________2015-11-07
208 N. Lydakis-Simantiris, D.Pentari, V. Perdikatsis, E. Manutsoglou, D. Moraetis, andCh. Apostolaki. (2005, September). Mineralogical, geochemical and nutrient analysis of soils fromOmalos polje-plateau, western Crete. Presented at Geonvironment and Geotectonics InternationalWorkshop. [Online]. Available: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/272148809_Mineralogical_geochemical_and_nutrient_analysis_of_soils_from_Omalos_polje_-plateau_Western_Crete2015-11-07
209 D. Moraetis, V. Perdikatsis, D. Pentari, E. Manutsoglu, Ch. Apostolaki, and N.Lydakis – Simantiris. (2006, September). A Study on the Correlation of the Properties of Parent Rock and Soils of Different Geological Origin. Presenetd at 2nd International Conferenceon: "Advances in Mineral Resources Management and EnvironmentalGeotechnology". [Online]. Available: https://www.google.gr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QFjAAahUKEwiGoemM1v7IAhUBjSwKHSFTCKA&url=http%3A%2F%2Flydakis.chania.teicrete.gr%2F%25CE%2594%25CE%25B7%25CE%25BC%25CE%25BF%25CF%2583%25CE%25B9%25CE%25B5%25CF%258D%25CF%2583%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B9%25CF%2582%2F%25CE%2594%25CE%25B7%25CE%25BC%25CE%25BF%25CF%2583%25CE%25B9%25CE%25B5%25CF%258D%25CF%2583%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B9%25CF%2582%2520%25CF%2583%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B9%2520%25CF%2580%25CF%2581%25CE%25B1%25CE%25BA%25CF%2584%25CE%25B9%25CE%25BA%25CE%25AC%2520%25CF%2583%25CF%2585%25CE%25BD%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B4%25CF%2581%25CE%25AF%25CF%2589%25CE%25BD%2FAmireg06_pythagoras2%2520final.doc&usg=AFQ2015-11-07
210 N. Lydakis – Simantiris, D. Pentari, E. Katsivela, D. Koutoulakis, V. Perdikatsis, andAik. Pavlaki (2006, July). A Study on the Quality of the Water of the Agyia Springs in WesternCrete. Presented at 2006 World Congress of Energy, Environment, Ecosystems,Sustainable Development. [Online]. Available: https://www.google.gr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CB8QFjAAahUKEwjYicOT0_7IAhVGBywKHeAoDaU&url=http%3A%2F%2Flydakis.chania.teicrete.gr%2F%25CE%2594%25CE%25B7%25CE%25BC%25CE%25BF%25CF%2583%25CE%25B9%25CE%25B5%25CF%258D%25CF%2583%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B9%25CF%2582%2F%25CE%2594%25CE%25B7%25CE%25BC%25CE%25BF%25CF%2583%25CE%25B9%25CE%25B5%25CF%258D%25CF%2583%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B9%25CF%2582%2520%25CF%2583%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B9%2520%25CF%2580%25CF%2581%25CE%25B1%25CE%25BA%25CF%2584%25CE%25B9%25CE%25BA%25CE%25AC%2520%25CF%2583%25CF%2585%25CE%25BD%25CE%25B5%25CE%25B4%25CF%2581%25CE%25AF%25CF%2589%25CE%25BD%2F535-309.doc.doc&usg=AFQjCNEn2vNAvXG469CgPb6PZg1z1yRtvQ&sig2=PT3n5lQnp5PffBnza6Z6Bw&cad=rja2015-11-07
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