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 61-75 από 337 αποτελέσματα
61 T. Markopoulos, G. Triantafyllou and S. Mavrigiannakis, Composition of mortars of hydraulic lime that were produced by limestone raw material of Crete and control oftheir mechanic behavior", in 15ο Congress of Concrete, 25-27 October 2006, pp. 492-499.2015-11-16
62 N. Mitritsakis, I. Stavrakas, S. Maurigiannakis, C. Anastasiadis, D. Triantis andZ. Agioutantis, "Investigation and quantification of damage in geomaterials with the technique of Dielectric Spectroscopy", in 9th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, 25-29 September 2006.2015-11-16
63 I. Stavrakas, D. Triantis, Z. Agioutantis, S. Maurigiannakis, V. Saltas and S. Vallianatos, "Pressure Stimulated Currents along with mechanical properties in rocks", in International Congress, Advances in Mineral Resources Management andEnvironmental Geotechnology, 2004, pp. 733-738.2015-11-16
64 Z. Agioutantis, S. Maurigiannakis and P. Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, “Modeling the behavior of strengthening compounds on porous geomaterials”, in Proceedings of the 7th National Congress on Mechanics, 24-26 June 2004, pp. 138-143.2015-11-16
65 Z. Agioutantis, S. Kourkoulis, S. Maurigiannakis and E. Papatheodorou, "Notchedmarble specimens under bending: Experimental study and numerical analysis using an elastoplastic model with contact elements", in 5th EUROMECH Solid MechanicsConference, 17-22 August 2003.2015-11-16
66 S. Kourkoulis, Z. Agioutantis, S. Maurigiannakis and E. Papatheodorou, "Modeling three point bending of rock-type materials using an elastoplastic model with contact elements", in 5th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, 17-22 August 2003.2015-11-16
67 S.K. Kourkoulis, Z. Agioutantis, S. Maurigiannakis and E. Papatheodorou, "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Notched Marble Beams Under Bending: An Elastic Transversely Isotropic Model", International Conference on Computational &Experimental Engineering & Sciences, 24-29 July 2003.2015-11-16
68 S. Maurigiannakis, Z. Agioutantis, P. Kokkiniotis and T. Kagiaras, "Suitability of artificial stone as building material: a sustainable development option for the construction industry", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Development Indicators in the Mineral Industry, 21-23 May 2003.2015-11-16
69 Z. Agioutantis, S. Maurigiannakis and C. Stiakakis, "Modeling the uniaxial compression test in rocks: Comparison of different approaches", in Proceedings of the 4th GRACM Congress On Computational Mechanics, 2002.2015-11-16
70 C. Tsoutrelis, S. Maurigiannakis and V. Roumpos, "Effectiveness of the Swellex rockreinforcement system in the Madem Lakkos and Olympias mines," presented at 3rd National Congress of Mineral Wealth, 2000.2015-11-16
71 P. Tzeferis, ,C. Kavalopoulos, K. Komnitsas, "Production data and Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) for the Greek Mining/Metallurgical Industry in the period 2007-2011," in Proceedings 6th InternationalConference “Sustainable Deveoplemt in the Minerals Industry" (SDIMI'13),June-July.2015-11-15
72 K. Komnitsas, D. Zaharaki, D. Vamvuka,"Factors affecting quality of compost produced from agricultural waste: assessment of risk," presented at Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress , Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.2015-11-15
73 K.Komnitsas, D. Zaharaki, "Establishment of weighted indicators for the evaluation of agricultural waste treatment technologies," presented at 4th international conference on Management of solid wastes in crisis: new challenges and prospects,Athens,Greece,2012.2015-11-15
74 G. Bazdanis, K. Komnitsas, E. Sahinkaya, D. Zaharaki, " Removal of heavy metals from leachates using permeable reactive barriers filled with reactive organic/inorganic mixtures," in 3rdInternational Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics and SECOTOX Conference(CEMEPE '11), June.2015-11-15
75 V. Kavvadias, A. Sarris, M. Doula, D. Zaharaki, D. Arapoglou, K.Komnitsas,presented at 2ndInternational Conference "Hazardous and Industrial WasteManagement",Chania, Crete,2010.2015-11-15
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