Το work with title GPR data time varying deconvolution by kurtosis maximization by Vafeidis Antonios, Oikonomou Nikolaos is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
N. Economou and A. Vafidis, "GPR data time varying deconvolution by kurtosis maximization", J. Appl. Geoph., vol. 81, pp. 117-121, Jun. 2012. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.09.004
Stochastic and deterministic deconvolution methods encounter difficulties in increasing the temporal resolution of GPR data. Statistical approaches, such as predictive or spiking deconvolution are not effective when the wavelet is not minimum phase, which is the case for GPR data. Wavelet deconvolution is not successful because the shape of the GPR wavelet changes with time. Here, prior to deconvolution, we apply a spectral balancing method in time–frequency (t–f) domain which efficiently produces GPR traces whose dominant frequency does not depend on time. We correct for phase residuals using the maximum kurtosis method. The methodology is demonstrated on synthetic and real GPR data.