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Technical University of Crete
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 61-75 out of 245 results
61 S. Yiannoudes, “From machines to machinic assemblages: a conceptual distinction between two kinds of adaptive computationally-driven architecture”, presented at International Conference: Rethinking the Human in Technology-Driven Architecture, Chania, Crete, 2011.2015-11-18
62 S. Yiannoudes, “Architecture in the field of ambient intelligence: towards a ‘Digital’ layer in buildings”, in Proceedings of the International Conference: Scaleless – Seamless. Performing a less Fragmented Architectural Education and Practice, 2012, pp. 333-345.2015-11-18
63 S. Yiannoudes, “Exploring users’ practices of appropriation of domestic space from a science and technology studies (STS) perspective”, in 2014 Architectural Design Conference – Contemporary Discussions and Design Methodologies in Architecture, pp. 425-434.2015-11-18
64 A. Karagianni, P. Parthenios and S. Yiannoudes, “Programmable ecosystems: empowering social interaction and eco-awareness through urban coastal environmental analysis", in 2015 International Conference on Changing Cities ΙΙ: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, pp. 890-895.2015-11-18
65 K.-A. Oungrinis, N. Papamanolis, "Teaching enhanced and intelligent materiality: Developing innovation and performance,"presented at EAAE/ENHSA InternationalConference: Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal. Environmental Design for Innovation in the Post-crisis World, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2013.2015-11-17
66 K.-A. Oungrinis, "Implementation of kinetic systems in architecture: A classification of techniques and mechanisms appropriate for discreet building parts," presented at International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture, Toronto, USA, 2013.2015-11-17
67 K.-A Oungrinis, S. Kokkalis. (2013). Dynamic building program: A new method to produce building programs with the implementation of time relevant factors. Presented at International Conference on Adaptation and Movement in Architecture. [Online]. Available:
68 K. Chamilothori, A. Kampitaki, K. Oungrinis. (2013). Climate-Responsive Shading Systems with Integrated Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). Presented at 8th International Energy Forum 2013: Advanced Building Skins.[Online]. Available:
69 M. Liapi, A. Oungrinis, E. Gkologkina, A. Kelesidi, D. Linaraki, M. Paschidi, L. Gargalis, A. Klothakis, D. Mairopoulos, (2013). The astronaut’s playscape: supporting creativity through play in long-term missions beyond earth orbit. Presented at 64th International Astronautical Congress. [Online]. Available:'s_playscape_Supporting_creativity_through_play_in_long-term_missions_beyond_earth_orbit2015-11-17
70 K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Liapi, E. Gkologkina, A. Kelesidi, D. Linaraki, M. Paschidi, L. Gargalis, A. Klothakis, D. Mairopoulos, "Intelligent spacecraft modules. Employing user-centered architecture with adaptable technology for the design of habitable interiors in long-term missions," in 64th International Astronautical Congress, 2013. [Online]. Available:
71 K. A. Ougrinis, Ι. Paterakis, Α. Klothakis, Δ. Vidalis, Μ. Dimopoulou, Γ. Voradaki, Α. Tralo, "The Airpotition Project," in 13th SGEM Geoconference on Nano, Bio and Green –Technologies for a Sustainable Future, 2013, pp. 745 - 750. doi: 10.5593/SGEM2013/BF6/S27.0292015-11-17
72 K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Liapi, D. Linaraki, D. Mairopoulos, "Affecting emotions with sensponsive design. A habitable spacecraft module experiment," in 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 2013, pp. 30 - 36. doi: 10.1109/IE.2013.352015-11-17
73 M. Liapi, K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Voyatzaki, "A sensponsive approach to technology-driven playgrounds," presented at International Conference: Constructionism 2012, Athens, Greece, 2012.2015-11-17
74 K.-A. Oungrinis, "The digital 'soul' of smart materials. Creating programmable environments without parts," presented at EAAE/ENHSA InternationalConference: Scalelessseamless. [Online]. Available:
75 K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Liapi, D. Mairopoulos, "From analog, to digital, to analog, to… The seamless process of monitoring, understanding and affecting spatial arrangements in a responsive experiment called "Spirit|Ghost," presented at EAAE/ENHSA International Conference: Scalelessseamless.[Online]. Available:
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