Το έργο με τίτλο Heterogeneous nucleation on rough surfaces: implications to atmospheric aerosols από τον/τους δημιουργό/ούς Lazaridis Michalis, Kostas Eleftheriadis , Øystein Hov διατίθεται με την άδεια Creative Commons Αναφορά Δημιουργού 4.0 Διεθνές
Βιβλιογραφική Αναφορά
Μ. Lazaridis, Ø. Hov ,K. Eleftheriadis “Heterogeneous nucleation on rough surfaces: Implications to atmospheric aerosols,” Atm. Research,vol. 55,no.2, pp. 103 – 113 ,Oct. 2000.doi:10.1016/S0169-8095(00)00059-4
The effect of the surface roughness of solid atmospheric aerosol particles on their heterogeneous nucleation capability has been examined using the concept of “self-affine” rough surfaces. The surface roughness has a great influence on the contact angle between the particle surface and the nucleating liquid droplets. Roughness enhances wetting and the rate of heterogeneous nucleation from the vapor to the liquid phase. The paper furthermore discusses the considerable influence of the surface roughness on the physico-chemical characteristics of atmospheric insoluble aerosol particles.