Το work with title Universal access to mobile computing devices through speech input by Manaris, Bill, Lagoudakis Michael, MacGyvers Valanne is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
B. Z. Manaris, V. MacGyvers, and M. G. Lagoudakis, “Universal access to mobile
computing devices through speech input,” in 12th International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Symposium, 1999, pp. 286–292.
This paper presents results on a user interface model forproviding universal access to mobile computing devices.The model uses a continuous speech understanding engineto provide access to a virtual keyboard and mouse throughspeech input. This research has been targeted towards userswith permanent motor disabilities. However, these resultsalso apply to able-bodied users with temporary, taskinducedmotor disabilities, such as users performingalphanumeric data entry through a cellular phone keypad.The proposed solution might complement (or even replace)miniaturized keyboards and other physical keyboardalternatives, such as stylus-type "soft" keyboards. Since itonly requires a microphone (and perhaps a speaker forfeedback) which are already included in many mobiledevices, it may allow such devices to shrink considerably insize, as alphanumeric input is no longer bound to a physicalarea. The paper describes the underlying architectureemployed by the system. It presents empirical resultsaddressing the effectiveness of this interface over alternativeinput methods for alphanumeric data entry. Finally, itdiscusses implications and future directions