Το work with title Spatial diagnosis as a means to design mediated spaces by Ouggrinis Konstantinos-Alketas, Liapi Marianthi is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Liapi, (2006). Spatial diagnosis as a means to design mediated spaces.Presented at 24th International eCAADe Conference on Education and Research in Computer-Aided Architectural Design. [Online]. Available: http://cumincad.architexturez.net/system/files/pdf/2006_420.content.pdf
This paper addresses the concept of spatial diagnosis as a methodology for architectsto analyze and evaluate the quality of existing spaces periodically andimprove them with the use of digital media. Initially the methodology researchesthe physical characteristics of the examined space, which are investigated bothhistorically and empirically, as well as people’s mental imagery of it, which isexamined through cognitive mapping techniques. The research findings are usedas a mapping device for the application of the digital media ‘treatment.’ Selectedintelligent systems form a digital, immaterial layer upon the existing spatial elementsincreasing the quality of space and consequently improving people’s experiencein it. The goal of this project, which focuses solely on public spaces for theextent of this research, is twofold. On a design level, it proposes a way to increasethe quality of space as well as its potential to communicate with people through asynergic, adaptive approach. On a research level, it seeks to bring together threediverse but not distant disciplines, those of architecture, cognitive psychology andinformation technology.