Ιδρυματικό Αποθετήριο
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Ο Χώρος μου

Flocculation behavior of mallow and okra mucilage in treating wastewater

Anastasakis Konstantinos , Kalderis Dimitrios, Diamantopoulos Evaggelos

Πλήρης Εγγραφή

URI: http://purl.tuc.gr/dl/dias/EFC680FA-A689-4462-9A31-741E16F1FEF7
Έτος 2009
Τύπος Δημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτές
Άδεια Χρήσης
Βιβλιογραφική Αναφορά K. Anastasakis, D. Kalderis and E. Diamadopoulos, "Flocculation behavior of mallow and okra mucilage in treating wastewater," Desalination, vol. 249, no. 2, pp. 786-791, Dec. 2009. doi: 10.1016/j.desal.2008.09.013 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2008.09.013
Εμφανίζεται στις Συλλογές


In this study, the flocculant behavior of Malva sylvestris (mallow) and Hibiscus esculentus (okra) mucilages was assessed for the removal of turbidity from synthetic and biologically-treated effluent. A series of flocculation experiments were conducted to assess the optimal concentration of each species. Aluminum salts were used as coagulants. The results showed that mallow and okra mucilage have significant flocculation properties. It was determined that okra was as efficient as mallow in removing turbidity, at much lower doses. However, at higher dosages the DOC of both synthetic wastewater and effluent increased, probably due to the organic substances present in the okra and mallow mucilage.

