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Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications Laboratory

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 316-330 out of 541 results
316 M. Sifniotis, K. Mania, P. Watten, M. White ,"Presenting uncertainty in archaeological reconstructions using possibility theory and information visualisation schemes,"in 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH Sketches ,doi :10.1145/1179849.11800492015-11-01
317 M. Sifniotis, K. Mania, P. Watten, M. White ,"Presenting uncertainty in archaeological reconstructions using possibility theory and information visualisation schemes," in 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage,2006,pp.198-202.2015-11-01
318 P. Petridis, K. Mania, D. Pletinckx, M. White ,"Usability evaluation of the epoch multimodal user interface: designing 3d tangible interactions ," in 2006 ACM symp. on Virtual reality software and techn.(VRST ) ,pp.116-122.doi:10.1145/1180495.11805212015-11-01
319 K. Mania, A. Robinson ,"An experimental exploration of the relationship between subjective impressions of illumination and physical fidelity,"Comp. and Graphics ,vol. 29 ,no.1 ,pp. 49-56,Feb. 2005.doi :10.1016/j.cag.2004.11.0072015-11-01
320 G. Papadakis, K. Mania, E. Koutroulis ,"A system to measure, control and minimize end-to-end head tracking latency in immersive simulations,"in 2011 10th Intern. Conf. on Virtual Reality Cont. and Its Appl. in Industry ,pp.581-584 . doi:10.1145/2087756.20878692015-11-01
321 S. Sylaiou, A. Almosawi, K. Mania, M. White .(2004).Preliminary evaluation of the augmented representation of cultural objects system.Presented at 10th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Hybrid Realities-Digital Partners, Explorations in Art, Heritage, Science and the Human Factor .[online].Available:
322 A. McNamara, K. Mania, M. Banks, C. Healey ," Perceptually-motivated graphics, visualization and 3D displays ," in ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 Courses ,doi:10.1145/1837101.18371082015-11-01
323 A. McNamara, K. Mania, D. Gutierrez ," Perception in graphics, visualization, virtual environments and animation." in 2011 SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Courses,doi :10.1145/2077434.20774482015-11-01
324 P. Petridis, D. Pletinckx, K. Mania, M. White,"The EPOCH multimodal interface for interacting with digital heritage artefacts ," in 2006 12th Intern. Conf. (VSMM),pp.408-417.doi:10.1007/11890881_45.2015-11-01
325 K. Mania ,"Connections between lighting impressions and presence in real and virtual environments: an experimental study," in 2001 1st inter. conf. on Computer graphics, virtual reality and visual. ,pp.119-123.doi:10.1145/513867.5138932015-11-01
326 K. Mania, A. Robinson ,"The effect of quality of rendering on user lighting impressions and presence in virtual environments,"in 2004 inter. conf. on Virtual Reality contin. and its appl. in industry,pp. 200-205.doi:10.1145/1044588.10446292015-11-01
327 K. Mania, A. Robinson, K.R. Brandt ,"The effect of memory schemas on object recognition in virtual environments,"Presence: Teleop. and Virtual Envir.,Vol. 14, No. 5,pp. 606-615,Octob. 2005.doi:10.1162/105474605774918769)2015-11-01
328 K. Mania, D. Wooldridge, M. Coxon, A. Robinson,"The effect of visual and interaction fidelity on spatial cognition in immersive virtual environments ,"Visual. and Comp. Graphics, IEEE Trans. on,vol. 12,no.3,pp.396-404,Ma.2006.doi:10.1109/TVCG.2006.552015-11-01
329 S. Sylaiou, K. Mania, A. Karoulis, M. White ,"Exploring the relationship between presence and enjoyment in a virtual museum,"vol.68,no.5,pp.243–253,Ma.2010.doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2009.11.0022015-11-01
330 S. R. Ellis, K. Mania, B. D. Adelstein, M. I. Hill ,"Generalizeability of latency detection in a variety of virtual environments," Proc. of the Human Factors and Erg.s Society Annual Meeti.,vol. 48,no.23,pp.2632-2636.2004.doi:10.1177/1541931204048023062015-11-01
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