Το work with title Correlation between material properties and breakage rate parameters determined from grinding tests by Petrakis Evaggelos, Komnitsas Konstantinos is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
E. Petrakis and K. Komnitsas, "Correlation between material properties and breakage rate parameters determined from grinding tests," Appl. Sci., vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 2018. doi: 10.3390/app8020220
The present study investigates four materials, namely quartz, marble, quartzite and metasandstone and aims to establish correlations, with the use of simple and multiple regression analysis, between their properties and breakage rate parameters. The material properties considered in this study derived from the application of destructive and non-destructive tests and include P-wave velocity (Vp), Schmidt rebound value (RL), uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and tangent modulus of elasticity (Et), while the breakage rate parameters determined from batch grinding tests, include breakage rate Si, maximum breakage rate Sm, αT and a, and optimum particle size xm. The results indicate that the properties of all materials examined show very good correlation and can be used to predict Si or αT. Furthermore, parameter α is well correlated with Vp, RL and Et using inverse exponential functions, while Sm is strongly correlated with RL and UCS. Overall, it is deduced that multiple regression analysis involving two independent variables is a reliable approach and can be used to identify correlations between properties and breakage rate parameters for quartz, quartzite and metasandstone, which are silica rich materials. The only exception shown is the determination of xm for marble.