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Cognitive digital twins for resilience in production: a conceptual framework

Eirinakis Pavlos, Lounis Stavros, Plitsos Stathis, Arampatzis Georgios, Kalaboukas Kostas, Kenda Klemen, Lu Jinzhi, Rožanec, Jože Martin, Stojanovic Nenad

Simple record

Extent15 pagesen
TitleCognitive digital twins for resilience in production: a conceptual frameworken
CreatorEirinakis Pavlosen
CreatorLounis Stavrosen
CreatorPlitsos Stathisen
CreatorArampatzis Georgiosen
CreatorΑραμπατζης Γεωργιοςel
CreatorKalaboukas Kostasen
CreatorKenda Klemenen
CreatorLu Jinzhien
CreatorRožanec, Jože Martinen
CreatorStojanovic Nenaden
Content SummaryDigital Twins (DTs) are a core enabler of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing. Cognitive Digital Twins (CDTs), as an evolution, utilize services and tools towards enabling human-like cognitive capabilities in DTs. This paper proposes a conceptual framework for implementing CDTs to support resilience in production, i.e., to enable manufacturing systems to identify and handle anomalies and disruptive events in production processes and to support decisions to alleviate their consequences. Through analyzing five real-life production cases in different industries, similarities and differences in their corresponding needs are identified. Moreover, a connection between resilience and cognition is established. Further, a conceptual architecture is proposed that maps the tools materializing cognition within the DT core together with a cognitive process that enables resilience in production by utilizing CDTs.en
Type of ItemPeer-Reviewed Journal Publicationen
Type of ItemΔημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτέςel
Date of Item2023-09-19-
Date of Publication2022-
SubjectDigital twinen
SubjectCognitive manufacturingen
SubjectResilient manufacturingen
SubjectIndustry 4.0en
SubjectISO 23247en
SubjectKnowledge graphen
Bibliographic CitationP. Eirinakis, S. Lounis, S. Plitsos, G. Arampatzis, K. Kalaboukas, K. Kenda, J. Lu, J. M. Rožanec, and N. Stojanovic, “Cognitive digital twins for resilience in production: a conceptual framework,” Information, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan. 2022, doi: 10.3390/info13010033.en

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