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 1-6 from 6 Results - Amendola A.
1 A. Amendola and G.A. Papadakis, "Risk Assessment in the Control of Major Accident Hazards in the European Union", in Proceedings of KAERI Envir. RA Workshop IV, December 1994.2015-11-12
2 G.A. Papadakis and A. Amendola, "Learning from Experience: The Major Accident Reporting System in the EU", in Proceedings of ESREL 96 & PSAM-III, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, 1996, pp. 101-106.2015-11-12
3 G.A. Papadakis and A. Amendola, "Guidance principles for the Safety Reports within Seveso II Directive", in Proceedings of Workshop on Transboundary Hazard Management - Transboundary Effects of Chemical Accidents, December 1996.2015-11-12
4 G.A. Papadakis and A. Amendola, "On the control of major accident hazards in industrial activities and pipeline transportation in the Mediterranean Region", in 9th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection (MESAEP), Octomber 1997. 2015-11-12
5 Γ. Παπαδάκης και A. Amendola, "Κατευθυντήριες Οδηγίες για την Σύνταξη της Μελέτης Ασφάλειας", Βιοµηχανικά Ατυχήµατα Μεγάλης Έκτασης - Μεθοδολογικός και Πληροφοριακός Οδηγός, σσ. 240-258, 2001.2015-11-11
6 G.A. Papadakis and A. Amendola, Guidance on the preparation of a Safety Report to meet the requirements of Council Directive 96/82/EC (Seveso II), Luxembourg: Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997.2015-11-11