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 1-5 from 5 Results - Adjiman C.S.
1 I. Papamichail, C.S. Adjiman, "A new convex relaxation for systems described by ordinary differential equations," presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, US, 2002.2015-11-09
2 I. Papamichail, C. S. Adjiman, "A global optimization algorithm for optimal control and parameter estimation problems," presented at SIAM Conference on Optimization, Toronto, Canada, US, 2002.2015-11-09
3 I. Papamichail, C. S. Adjiman, "A global optimization algorithm for systems described by ODEs," presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, Reno, US, 2001. 2015-11-09
4 I. Papamichail, C. S. Adjiman, "Global optimisation of systems described by ordinary differential equations," presented at 3rd Panhellenic Chemical Engineering Scientific Conference, Athens, Greece, 2001.2015-11-09
5 I. Papamichail, C. S. Adjiman, "An algorithm for the global optimisation of dynamic problems," presented at Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, Nancy, France, 2001. 2015-11-09