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Mediterranean agri-food processing wastes pyrolysis after pre-treatment and recovery of precursor materials: a TGA-based kinetic modeling study

Manara P., Vamvouka Despoina, Sfakiotakis Stylianos, Vanderghem, Caroline, Richel A., Zabaniotou, Anastasia, 1956-

Απλή Εγγραφή

Μέγεθος8 pagesen
ΤίτλοςMediterranean agri-food processing wastes pyrolysis after pre-treatment and recovery of precursor materials: a TGA-based kinetic modeling studyen
ΔημιουργόςManara P.en
ΔημιουργόςVamvouka Despoinaen
ΔημιουργόςΒαμβουκα Δεσποιναel
ΔημιουργόςSfakiotakis Stylianosen
ΔημιουργόςΣφακιωτακης Στυλιανοςel
ΔημιουργόςVanderghem, Carolineen
ΔημιουργόςRichel A.en
ΔημιουργόςZabaniotou, Anastasia, 1956-en
ΠερίληψηValorization strategies of wastes from agri-food processes are intertwined with clean technological approaches and eco-industrial management. By-products from Mediterranean agri-food processes such as olive oil, wine and fruit create a considerable disposal problem for the agro-industry. Their characteristics in combination with Mediterranean climate enhance microbial development and can be source of health and safety concerns. After pre-treatment and recovery of valuable precursor materials (lignin, pulp), pyrolysis can be used for fuels, chemicals and carbon bio-based materials production. Since thermal degradation kinetic studies are a key step for the efficient design of thermo-chemical processes, in this study pyrolysis experiments were performed, using TGA for the estimation of the process kinetic parameters. The independent parallel reaction model validated against experimental results, showing a good agreement with experimental data, with deviation values ranging from 1.07 to 3.54%.en
ΤύποςPeer-Reviewed Journal Publicationen
ΤύποςΔημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτέςel
Άδεια Χρήσηςhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/en
Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης2015-
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαAgri-food wastesen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαKinetic studyen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαTGAen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαPyrolysisen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαPre-treatmenten
Βιβλιογραφική ΑναφοράP. Manara, D. Vamvouka, S. Sfakiotakis, C. Vanderghem, A. Richel and A. Zabaniotou, "Mediterranean agri-food processing wastes pyrolysis after pre-treatment and recovery of precursor materials: a TGA-based kinetic modeling study", Food Res. Int., vol. 73, pp. 44-51, Jul. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2014.11.033en

