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Queue management techniques for metered freeway on-ramps

Spiliopoulou Anastasia, Manolis Diamantis, Papamichail, Ioannis, Papageorgiou Markos

Simple record

TitleQueue management techniques for metered freeway on-rampsen
CreatorSpiliopoulou Anastasiaen
CreatorΣπηλιοπουλου Αναστασιαel
CreatorManolis Diamantisen
CreatorΜανωλης Διαμαντηςel
Creator Papamichail, Ioannisen
CreatorPapageorgiou Markosen
CreatorΠαπαγεωργιου Μαρκοςel
PublisherNational Academy of Sciencesen
Content SummaryRamp metering is beneficial for freeway throughput, but the ramp queues that are created should be prevented from extending to adjacent street junctions. A recently proposed ramp queue controller is investigated in conjunction with the local ramp-metering algorithm ALINEA. Microscopic simulation is used to compare the queue controller with a popular queue override scheme that is based on specifically designed scenarios and evaluation criteria. It is found that the queue controller outperforms the queue override and leads to fewer instances of ramp queue spillover. The concept is also demonstrated to work properly in an operational field environment.en
Type of ItemPeer-Reviewed Journal Publicationen
Type of ItemΔημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτέςel
Date of Item2015-10-23-
Date of Publication2011-
Bibliographic CitationSpiliopoulou A.D., Manolis D., Papamichail I. and Papageorgiou M., "Queue management techniques for metered freeway on-ramps" Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2178, no. 1, pp. 40-48, 2010. doi:10.3141/2178-05en

