Το work with title Numerical treatment of hemivariational inequalities in mechanics: two methods based on the solution of convex subproblems by Stavroulakis Georgios, Mistakidis, E.S is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
G. E. Stavroulakis, E. S. Mistakidis ," Numerical treatment of hemivariational inequalities in mechanics: two methods based on the solution of convex subproblems," Orig.Comp. Mechanic , vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 406-416, Nov.1995. doi:10.1007/BF00370562
Hemivariational inequality problems describe equilibrium points (solutions) for structural systems in mechanics where nonmonotone, possibly multivalued laws or boundary conditions are involved. In the case of problems which admit a potential function this is a nonconvex, nondifferentiable one. In order to avoid the difficulties that arise during the calculation of equilibria for such mechanical systems, methods based on sequential convex approximations have recently been proposed and tested by the authors. The first method is based on ideas developed in the fields of quasidifferential and difference convex (d.c.) optimization and transforms the hemivariational inequality problem into a system of convex variational inequalities, which in turn leads to a multilevel (two-field) approximation technique for the numerical solution. The second method transforms the problem into a sequence of variational inequalities which approximates the nonmonotone problem by an iteratively defined sequence of monotone ones. Both methods lead to convex analysis subproblems and allow for treatment of large-scale nonconvex structural analysis applications.The two methods are compared in this paper with respect to both their theoretical assumptions and implications and their numerical implementation. The comparison is extended to a number of numerical examples which have been solved by both methods.