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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης
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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 241-255 από 334 αποτελέσματα
241 I. Michalakis, N. Economou, H. Hamdan, A. Vafidis, E. Manoutsoglou,G. Panagopoulos , S. Roubedakis ,C. Vozinakis, S. Lampathakis and E. Dassyra,"Geological and geophysical study of saltwater contamination at Stylos,Crete,"in 2nd International Conference on: “Advances in Mineral Resources 157Management and Environmental Geotechnology ,2006,pp.157-161.2015-10-30
242 D. Moraetis, V. Perdikatsis, D. Pentari, E. Manoutsoglou , Ch. Apostolaki,N. Lydakis – Simantiris,"A study on the correlation of the properties of parent rock and soils ofdifferent geological origin,"in 2nd International Conference on: “Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology,2008.pp.349-354.2015-10-30
243 P. Kiomourtzi ,N. Pasadakis ,E. Manoutsoglou ,A. Zelilidis , " Source organic matter and depositional environment in Prinos oil basin (Greece),"in International Geological Congress,2008.2015-10-30
244 E. Manoutsoglou ,G. Panagopoulos ,E. Spyridonos ,A. Georgiou ,"Methollogy for optimal determination of new drilling program in an active open pit : example from an active sulfate open pit in altsi ,Lasithi prefecture ,eastern Crete,"in 12th International Congress,2010,pp.2492-2500.2015-10-30
245 A. Bizoura ,E. Lykoudi ,E. Spyridonos ,E. Manoutsoglou ," .Asseeement of the vulnerability degree of different lithological formations in the catchment area of Agia Eirini Gorge, western Crete ,"in 12th International Congress,2010.pp. 1314-13222015-10-30
246 E. Bizoura ,E. Lykoudi ,E. Manoutsoglou ," Μελέτη μορφομετρικών παραμέτρων της υδρολογικής λεκάνης του φαραγγιού της Αγίας Ειρήνης στα δυτικά του Εθνικού Δρυμού Σαμαριάς, Δ. Κρήτη," in 9th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference,2010,pp. 303-310.2015-10-30
247 E. Manoutsoglou ,"Η αποτύπωση της εξελικτικής γεωλογικής σκέψηςσε γεωλογικούς Χάρτες," Στο 11ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Χαρτογραφίας - Η χαρτογραφία του Ελληνικού Κράτους,2010,pp.91-110.2015-10-30
248 G. Panagopoulos, I. Pyliotis, A. Zelilidis, E. Spyridonos, H. Hamdan, A. Vafidis, E. Manoutsoglou,"3D modeling of biogenic gas-bearing Neogene depositsat Arkalochori region, Messara, Crete, Greece,"in 2011 Int. Ass. for Mathematical Geos.(IAMG), doi:10.5242/iamg.2011.02812015-10-30
249 G. Panagopoulos, H. Hamdan, E. Spyridonos , I. Pyliotis, A. Zelilidis, A. Vafidis ,E. Manoutsoglou," 3D Geological modeling using VES data. An application on methane-bearing Neogenedeposits at Arkalochori region, Messara,"in 6th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society,2011.2015-10-30
250 N. Economou ,H. Hamdan ,G.S. Kritikakis ,N. Andronikidis ,E. Manoutsoglou,A. Vafidis ," Geoelectrical and Seismic Imaging of the Omalos Plateau, Crete, Greece,"in 6th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society,2011.2015-10-30
251 E. Manoutsoglou , E. Steiakakis ," New geological conceptual model in western model in western Crete based on the extension of Trypali unit ," in Protection and restoration of the environment XI,2012.pp.1393 – 1402.2015-10-30
252 G. Panagopoulos, E. Bizoura ,I. Kirkimtzi, E. Karanzi , E. Manoutsoglou ," Η χρήση ανομοιογενούς προέλευσης χωρικών δεδομένων στην κατασκευή τρισδιάστατων γεωλογικών μοντέλων," Στο 12ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Χαρτογραφίας - Χαρτογραφία & Χωρική Πληροφορία στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση,2012.pp.279-286.2015-10-30
253 Ν. Ανδρονικίδης, Γ. Κρητικάκης, Χ. Παπαθανασίου, Α. Βαφείδης, Γ. Παναγόπουλος, Ε. Μανούτσογλου, "Υπεδαφικά χωρικά δεδομένα και χρήση τους στην δημιουργίαβασικών υποδομών," στο 12ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Χαρτογραφίας "Χαρτογραφία και Χωρική Πληροφορία στην Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση", 2012, σσ. 287-2952015-10-30
254 A. Vafidis, N. Andronikidis, H. Hamdan, G. Kritikakis, N. Economou, G. Panagopoulos, P. Soupios, E. Steiakakis, and E. Manoutsoglou, "The clearwater project : preliminary results from the geophysical survey in Tymraki, Crete, Greece," in 13th International Congress, September 2013, pp.1338-1344.2015-10-30
255 I. Pyliotis ,A. Zelilidis ,N. Pasadakis ,G. Panagopoulos ,E. Manoutsoglou," Source rock potential of the late Miocene Metochia formation of Gavdos island, Greece,"in 13th International Congress, 2013,pp.871-879.2015-10-30
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