Το work with title Using multicriteria decision analysis to evaluate patient satisfaction in a hospital emergency department by Matsatsinis Nikolaos, Grigoroudis, Evangelos, Panagiotis Manolitzas is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
P. Manolitzas, E. Grigoroudis, N. Matsatsinis ,"Using multicriteria decision analysis to evaluate patient satisfaction in a hospital emergency department,"J.of Health Manag.,vol.16,no.2,pp.245-258,Jun. 2014.doi:10.1177/0972063414526118
The scope of this study is to evaluate the level of patient satisfaction and to propose the solutions on how to increase the levels of satisfaction by using multicriteria analysis. A multicriteria user satisfaction analysis was used in order to measure the satisfaction and to elucidate the weak and strong points of satisfaction. The results of the questionnaire revealed that the average level of complete satisfaction is low (73.4) indicating that the citizens are somehow satisfied regarding the emergency department. Furthermore, the patients attributed great importance to the criteria of ‘processes involved in patient services’ and ‘courtesy, friendliness and professional attitude of the nurses’ in order to feel satisfied. The improvement diagram depicts that the first priority for the management committee of the hospital in order to enhance the level of satisfaction is to improve the service processes. It is obvious that the added values of the methodology are the action and improvement diagrams. By using these diagrams the management committee of the hospital can draw the future plans for improving the services of the emergency department.